Saturday, August 7, 2021

Moving forward as the days shorten forecasting the coming of the fall

Coming home again and the colours of the flowers in the garden were a fascinating sight. They come every year at this time but this year I really am noticing them. They tell of August and the coming of the Fall in September. My favourite season continues to be the long winter here in Canada. I do not mind spending lots of time indoors. 

Edward used to drag me out of my cocoon existence but I find great solace in that state. I can work away at the things that interest me; I have more time to read my Bible and contemplate God. God is a powerful being whether male or female. I do not really have an opinion on that. How all of this was created is in His hands; it always was. There are many Mother Earths but only one God. Mankind being what we are sees God in their own way; the ways of their ancestors determines how they see Him unless they undergo a change and adopt someone else's interpretation of God. 

So much more to do to get everything in order and now I begin that process. I must reply to all of those wonderful messages of condolence and will try to get that done this month. I was waiting for our Memorial Service but I think that a Celebration of Life is more in order and we will do that in December. Edward loved Christmas; he loved getting presents. 

I have his mug collection on display at the moment and will also organize his plate collection. But eventually I will need to find a home for both of these collections. 

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