Friday, September 3, 2021

Busy days getting ready for fall

Yesterday was incredibly busy as was the day before. I am trying to get organized for the Fall and some things got forgotten but did publish the Newsletter today in the blog for Pincombe-Pinkham. 

Mind is clear again and ready to move forward on what needs to be done next. We are off to the Traill site with a load of wood and metal that will help with the garage and shed. They were absolutely packed full and gradually we have whittled that down. It is not knowing what to do with everything that is the biggest problem. I had no idea you can hire people to downsize for you and probably would have done that if I had known but on the other hand a lot of it only could be done by us in terms of Edward's library but then there was the rest and that would have been handy but we are nearing the end of the downsizing. I want to give Edward's clothing to a place where it can be well used - he had five excellent winter coats and several pairs of boots but need to wait on COVID for that. That was also one of his thoughts to help out people who needed warm clothing especially.

I still have a wooden hope chest and a large wheeled container to give to Edward's niece of all of his mother's things.  I still have 36 boxes of his research to work through and then I do have the things that I have been doing but seldom have time to look at these days but that time will come once again. Talking to Edward so much when he was pretty much a patient the last six months did give me lots of ideas on how to manage all of his material. But still it is overwhelming to even think of doing it all so must do it one thought at a time. 

We finally found his collection of sea shells that we have collected through the years. No ideas on what to do with that yet but want to give it a suitable home. He loved all of those shells so very much. They reminded him of traveling here there and everywhere. Sometimes we would just stop along the Atlantic and enjoy a small beach area for an hour or so in our travels. I am still amazed that I traveled so much as I am pretty much a homebody but he wanted to see everything there was to see especially those last seventeen years after he retired. We were hardly home weekends even though I was still working. Life was extremely busy. 

Up early today but have a lot to do this day and will be glad to sink into bed this evening. I generally shut everything down at 9:00 pm and fast asleep just after 10 pm. I got into that habit when Edward was ill as I needed all that energy to look after him.

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