Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Canada's election

The only benefit was the industry created by it, 600 million dollars went into the economy. On the other hand everyone who liked what the parties were doing voted for them again so the opinion is pretty uniform and the Prime Minister can go back to what he was doing and carry on - it was a mandate for him even if some are saying that his leadership might be questioned. Not too many people can survive the personal attacks that he underwent with the 2019 campaign and emerge unscathed. It was time for a Conservative win and the party has not pulled itself together sufficiently for Conservatives like myself to vote for them. I want proof that they will not undermine the rest of Canada's economy to support the oil industry yet I do support the oil industry. Its potential in permanent plastics is amazing and will help us to move forward creating materials that are environmental friendly because they last and we can green our economy ridding our selves of dependency on gas guzzling cars.  I do own one of those and it is my last car as I shall not drive particularly after I am 80 years of age if I should be gifted by God with such an age. 

So we move forward with a new government and he has a four year mandate to carry on with what he is doing. The debt is dreadful of course; I am a fiscal conservative and have never liked the way that Liberals throw money at whatever it is they are trying to solve. But they have actually done a really good job with the pandemic recovery and continue to do so. Universal daycare for $10 per day is a good idea. Never a believer in daycare when my own children were small; I am 100% in favour of it now. I think it really helps children to progress which is difficult given the few children on any block for there to be a community of small children learning to play together and learn together. 

Congratulations to all the parties who did try to make this a friendly election; too bad we have people in our midst who can not control their darkest urges with their picketing of hospitals and their ridiculous attitude towards wearing masks. Just wear them; they save lives and it could actually be your own that you are saving. 

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