Monday, September 20, 2021

Missed Church on You-Tube two weeks in a row

 Sorry to have missed Church on You-Tube two weeks in a row. Life has been busy but this weekend coming I will be able to be on time with the service on You-Tube. Reading it over afterwards isn't quite the same as actually being there on You-Tube. 

Swimming on Saturday in a Lake in the Gatineau Hills. Very pleasant but was cold. Probably my last swim of the season. I do love to swim though and haven't done much the past few years. 

Still working away on little projects trying to get loose ends tied up as I move forward in time. The biggest item now would appear to be doing Edward's Tax Return for this year. I am saving all the pieces of paper until I have done that in case I need them. I have done his Tax Return for all of our marriage so am quite familiar with his expenses and donations so hopefully will be straightforward. 

Beautiful day; sun is shining but it started out pretty cold but not yet ready to snow which is a bonus perhaps although I do like the snow.

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