Monday, September 27, 2021

Church on You-Tube

 Back to Church on You-Tube and it was a very good service. Four hymns now and that is also very nice. I do enjoy this access to the Church Services at my Church. 

Back to emails and also working on the Blake Newsletter for the 1st of October. I am going to choose Nicholas Blake (left his will in 1574)  for my discussion person in this newsletter. The last newsletter talked about the erroneous Blake genealogy created by Horatio Gates Somerby using my Blake family at Andover and making up extremely strange stories of their ancestry. Good to now deal with Nicholas Blake as he was the individual given the strange ancestry even though he had left a will clearly stating the names of his children and those of his siblings. His mother's will was also very clear naming her children but unfortunately referred to her husband as Mr Blake. It is an interesting look at the records from the mid 1500s. 

 The day beckons.

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