Sunday, September 26, 2021

Our military

 We always appreciate our military because they represent the goodness in our society. We want to do our part as a member of the world society and our military is part of that ability. Our ships help to patrol the areas of the international oceans that are frequented by pirates (even in this modern age there are pirates) and that is a very important task for them to take on when it is our turn to help out. But our military also helps us here in Canada during flood season, wild fire season and ice storm season. Canada is a huge country and it is only with the help of the military that we are able to maintain our country with its three ocean coastline and its huge desolate places where only the polar bears and the caribou roam for the most part along with the smaller mammals for over half of the year when we are covered with ice and snow. It is important that our military is well supplied. That was one of the principal reasons that I always voted Conservative. The Conservative party tended to be a much better supporter of maintaining the Canadian military in peacetime as well as wartime. Encouraging people to live in the north was done under a Conservative mandate. 

Would I like to live in the north? It doesn't really matter where I live. I spend most of my time at home. Living in the dense cold would have taken getting used to I expect but modern conveniences like generators make it possible to survive the cold temperatures of the arctic but I guess one would want to be able to shop and the like but the more people live in the north the more conveniences that will follow them up there. Plus so many stores deliver now that we have experienced the last nearly two years of COVID isolation. Possibly that in itself will be a boon for Canadian exploration and settlement of the Arctic! The internet makes so many more things possible as well.

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