Saturday, September 25, 2021

Submarines for Canada

We should just get the new submarines  and stop debating it. We need them in order to provide services to the northern stretches of Canada as well as the two ocean coasts Pacific and Atlantic. It is very near sighted of us to be so slow in getting this done. On a map our claim to all of those islands is nicely coloured in our Canadian colours but colonialism is not yet dead and without the ability to patrol those areas we leave ourselves open to "colonization" by others. Protecting our borders is important for everyone and we should not be so naive as to think anyone else is going to protect us. Although the offer by the UK is a very practical one they too have a large area to protect and reliance on anyone else should be a non starter. Our very existence may depend on our ability to maintain a constant presence in the arctic. Military expenditure is never high on the agenda of the Liberals which has always concerned me but the Conservatives mucked up the whole process during their last tenure. Lets get it right! Buy the new submarines.

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