Friday, November 5, 2021

Minus 4 celsius and the frost is heavy on the ground

 Another beautiful frosty day leading into winter. One of these days we will awaken to snow on the ground. I love the first snow of winter with its glistening whiteness. 

Today I shall begin to type the Siderfin book. It will likely take me a couple of weeks to type it as I have other projects on the go but it provides this very comforting interval in the day when I just sit and type. I learned to type when I was in Grade nine. I decided to take a Business Practice course instead of Latin. I still have no regrets on that although I wish I knew more latin! The course always stood me in good stead as I learned to type fast and correctly by the end of that first year of Business Practice. I kept up with this course to the end of Grade 12 although in Grade 12 I could not be timetabled into the day so the teacher set up a before school start for one section and a number of us did take that course. It worked out very well. Probably he didn't do it just for me (although I was his most successful candidate in typing with speeds of over 100 words per minute and better) as there were a number of us :)

Working on Chromosome 22 and looking at all the new matches to see how that arrangement looks in DNA Painter. Downloaded the auto clusters from My Heritage for myself and my four siblings. I have not done that for a couple of years so will see how that uploads into DNA Painter as well.

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