Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Minus 7 degrees celsius at 8:00 am

Winter is definitely coming; just waiting for a load of the lovely white snow to blanket the world around me. I do so love the snow. But I did hire a company to clear my laneway and walk because that is maybe a bit too much. I found it hard two years ago to keep up with the dumping of snow at the end of the laneway and heavy snowfalls so we hired a company last year and will do that as long as we live in this house. I never used to mind shoveling the snow actually.  It was this comforting cyclical thing that we all did as part of our living in Canada year in and year out. I have not had any desire to escape the snow reality actually. Spending a week in the sun can be fun mid winter but for the most part I like this comfortable memory of life in Canada coming back year after year. 

Yesterday I completed Chromosome 16 and was quite pleased with the final result. Everything fitted in which is always a plus as well. I did start work on Chromosome 15 but have decided to work everyone of these right up from the basic numbers. I have done that pretty much from Chromosome 23 down to Chromosome 16 so might as well continue with that as it means no glitches of tiny little matches that do not seem quite right but overall fit in just fine. I rather like the no glitches now that I have achieved it this far. Whether that will continue remains to be seen. Visual phasing means you do not necessarily see those little glitches as that was the way that I started but actually using the numbers and working with the data from 23 and Me on the four that have tested there gives a similar picture but perhaps more accuracy. What I need is more second cousins testing to check that out for sure. Lots of third cousins have tested giving me an interesting picture but second cousins would make that picture very clear. 

Still working on the Siderfin book and that is proving to be quite interesting. I suspect that I will not complete that task until early in the New Year and then it too will be blogged on my website. I think I will turn it into chapters. Mostly James Sanders created a book of documents with some text but mainly documents. I am not going to add that much text but will add chapters just to help to separate the various centuries of material out and create a table of contents. I will again use Excel to create the genealogical table which he created with my additions and the size is quite large so will likely break the larger table down as well into distinct groupings. For instance my line coming down from Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question has quite a bit of genealogical material and would benefit from being on its own. They married by 1685 - I have not yet searched out the Parish Registers of Dunster.

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