Monday, November 15, 2021

Problem solved - Chromosome 19 now working properly with the matches.

 A little bit of tweaking here and there and the problem with Chromosome 19 has resolved. It can be a bit difficult working in a fifth person when four have tested at 23 and Me. Going back to square one and recalibrating the crossover points was the best means of solving what was in reality a minor problem. 

Today Chromosome 18 and working on the Siderfin Book. I may try to contact some of George DeKay's siblings children to see their thoughts on working on George's family book. I will cut back on the descendant lines to take those back to nothing further than 100 years (i.e. no births before 1921; no marriages before 1946 and no deaths before 1980 (although I could revise the deaths to the usual twenty year limit). 

The Siderfin Book is over half typed now and I may try to get some of the documents photographed that are at Kew. I will see about that. I do have some of them that I photographed back in 2013 and will check out my images to see how they are as Kew does a fantastic job imaging. No sense straining the eyes if I can just get it rephotographed. 

It snowed here yesterday; nothing to stay yet but it will soon be a snowy landscape. Such a beautiful sight that is.

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