Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Continuing with checking the phasing of my grandparents DNA

 Chromosome 18 went together very nicely but I have some good matches on that chromosome that are well known to me. Working now on Chromosome 17 and it too had a small glitch which I have mostly ironed out now but I do not have very many long matches on that chromosome. I am going to rework this one as well just to have a look at those beginning stages of putting in the crossover points and then working in my one sibling who did not test at 23 and Me. I could ask but I already have a lot of data and really do not need any more! Working in the FT DNA result is not really difficult as I have a chromosome comparison chart there as well and at Gedmatch. 

This is the first time that I have not worked up from Chromosome 1 and I think it is also an interesting way to look at the genes. Next time I may take the chromosomes for which I have the most long matches and do them first but I shall continue with my project this way this time. No changes to what I had before other than ironing out tiny glitches which did not affect how I viewed any of the matches. Now that I have conclusive proof for Chromosome 23 which again did not result in any changes to how I looked at any matches I am finding it easier to look at those shorter chromosomes. Not having any first cousins has proven to make it just a little more difficult and only one second cousin has tested but on Ancestry and I haven't asked her to reveal her results other than what ancestry gives which moves me to half second cousins where I have a good match. But third cousins I have many who have tested and luckily on both of my parent's sides making some reasonably good lengths to work with and I do have Pedigree Collapse on both sides as well back at the 3x great grandparent level which has proven to be very handy. 

A very busy weekend here but yesterday was slower and I managed to get in my 40 minute run and a 45 minute walk as well. Exercise is I think something that one has to really concentrate on doing when you are over 75. I do have a tendency to work at the computer for hours but my FitBit chimes in every hour to let me know that I have not taken my compulsory 250 steps which I do try to turn into 1000 steps every hour. It actually doesn't take very much time to do 1000 steps especially if you do a little run on the spot!

No work on the Siderfin book this week but perhaps today I will do that. Breakfast time soon. I generally start with a large glass of cranberry juice and a banana around 6:30 to 7:00 and then breakfast around 9.

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