Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The best of intentions

 Although I started this day with the best of intentions i.e. I was going to work on Chromosome 17, I ended up proofreading the will of Robert Siderfin (1628) which I had transcribed back in 2006 when I was first into Paleography. Needless to say it did need tweaking here and there plus I was not doing Latin Probates in those days so I did that as well. I had inserted the old one into the Siderfin Book I am working on with the idea in mind that I would proofread it and transcribe the probate. Remembering that after clearing away the breakfast dishes and unloading the dishwasher, it took first claim on my time. I am enjoying transcribing to be honest. I got away from it for a couple of years when Edward was ill although still do a little. But now I am back into research full time once again. I, for some odd reason, find reading the old English records a fascinating and not overly difficult thing to do. Granted there are some words that I can not get very readily and I do search online for possibilities. Eventually I mostly end up with what I really think it is or what someone else has thought it was. But those instances are not actually very often. I am finding that paleography is perhaps my niche in life at this time. 

Robert Siderfin whose will was dated 19 Aug 1627 and probated 31 Jan 1627 (Old Style so 1627/28) is possibly the Robert Siderfin mentioned in the Chancery papers during the latter part of Queen Elizabeth's reign. I can not yet be positive about that but I am slowly collecting up the information that is available and not captured earlier by James Sanders, JP in his book the Siderfin Family of West Somerset. Now that I am into this, I intend to basically republish the book (on my blog) with all the additions and I will clearly mark the additions and perhaps make note of areas where I am not agreeing with James Sanders. After 110 years it is appropriate to readdress this book about the Siderfin Family and ensure that any new information is worked into it. I am sure a hundred years from now even more will be available and some of my thoughts will be questioned as they should be. I spent enough years in Science studying and working that I would not be happy to think that people would accept all that I write as perfect. We are meant to question what is written so that we understand it better and make corrections where errors have been made in the past. 

The testator, Robert Siderfyn,  is living in the parish of Luxborowe (in the diocese of Bath and Wells, Somerset) and he asked to be buried in the Chancel of the Church at Luxborowe. He mentions a couple of people in the beginning of his will a Robert Siderfin, son of William Siderfin, Robert Westeron, son of William Westeron and Robert Siderfin son of Robert Siderfin of Minehead. He mentions that his sons and daughters have children. He then mentions his son William Siderfin, daughter (unmarried) Marie/Mary Siderfin, and his son Thomas Siderfin. Thomas and Mary are to have the remainder of his lease in South Wheddon tenement, Cutcombe. They also inherit his lease to keep 100 sheep at Brundon plus his property there. As well seven acres of wood in Luxborrowe (Priory Wood) for Thomas and Mary. He has a daughter Jane (likely married as he mentions her portion is not fully paid). Elner Westeron (the testator's sister's grandson) and Johanne Croutch (his granddaughter). His wife's name is Christian. He signs his will with his own hand (full signature Robert Siderfin) providing the transcription of the court recorder has been faithful. 

Already I have having problems with the genealogical chart produced by James Sanders at the back of the book. There are a number of records available now on the Somerset website that mention the children of the various Siderfin families so will extract all of that material as well. I may order some of the records (electronic copy). 

Recorded: 3rd February 2006, re-transcribed 16 Nov 2021

Source: National Archives, Kew

Place: Luxburough, Somerset, England

Type of Record: Will

Dated: 19 August 1627; probated 31 January 1627 (old Style)

[in margin] Roberti Siderfyn (handwritten)


In the name of God Amen The


nineteenth daie of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred


twentie and seaven I Robert Siderfin of the parish of Luxborowe within the


dioces of Bath and Wells being somewhat sicke in body but of perfect minde


and memory praise bee to allmightie god therefore. I doe make this my last will and


Testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my soule to allmightie


god and my body to bee buried in the Chauncell of Luxborowe Item I give to the Cathedrall


church of Wells vij d. Ite[m] I give to Robert Siderfin the sonne of William Siderfin and


to Robert Westeron the sonne of Willia[m] Westeron and to Robert Siderfin the sonne of


Robert Siderfine of Mynehead to any of them one heafer yeardling Item I give to all the


rest of my sonne and daughter s children to every of them five Ewe sheepe apeece It[em] I give to


the poore of Cutcombe 6 s and to the poore of Luxborowe 6 s. Item I give to William


Siderfin my sonne my best meane and ploughstuffe for eight Oxin to bee deliv[ere]d him after the decease


of Christian my wife and the cubbard in the hall and table board in the same to bee delivered as abovesaid


Item I give unto Marie Siderfin my daughter unmarried two hundred pounds. Item I give and


bequeath unto Thomas Siderfin my sonne and Mary Siderfin my Daughter all that tearme of


yeares and estate which I have in a tenement called South Wheddon lying within the p[ar]ish of


Cutcombe Item I give unto the said Thomas Siderfin and Marie Siderfin my leasee for yeares


for to keepe one hundred sheepe upon Brundon and my whole interest and estate therein as


alsoe I give unto the said Thomas Siderfin and Mary Siderfin my lease for tearme of years


W[hi]ch I have in seaven acres of wood lying w[i]thin the p[ar]ish of Luxborrowe be my part of Priory


Wood and all such trees as are by the same lease granted mee w[i]th forsaid p[re]misses are lying


within the Countie of Som[er]set Item I give unto every of my Godchildren twelve pence apeece


And fourtie pounds of my said daughter Marys portion or el[s]e my daughter Janes portion


which is yet unpaid in a great parte is to bee paid by my sonne William unto one of them


W[hi]ch he upon good consideration hath undertaken to paie Ite[m] I give unto Elner Westeron [sister's grandson] and


Johanne Coutch [his granddaughter] three pounds apeece to bee paid w[i]thin two years after my decease the residue


of my goods not given nor disposed I give and bequeath unto Christian my wife and Thomas


Siderfin my sonne whom I make my sole Executors of this my last will In witness whereof


I have hereunto sett my hand Robert Siderfin Witnessed here unto The marke of


Christopher Webber The marke of Robert Copp[e]r The marke of John Burges


Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud


London coram venerabili viro domino Henrico Marten Milite legum doctore


curie Prerogative Cantuariensis Magistro custode sive Commissario l[egi]time constituto


ultimo die mensis Januarij Anno domino iuxta  cursum et computationem Eccl[es]ie


Anglicane millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo septimo Juramento Christiane Relicte


dicti defuncti et Thome Siderfyn filij dicti defuncti et Executorum in hu[ius]modi Testamento


Nominat quibus commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum iurium


Et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad sancta dei


Evangelia Coram Petro Poole Cl[er]ico dioces de Chard Vigore Commissionis in


ea p[ar]te al[ia]s emanat Jurat. Ex[aminat]

I did not come across any mention of this will in the book that I have noticed but will watch for it. The will of Robert Siderfin in 1689 is mentioned and he was at East Lynch, Timberscombe.


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