Friday, December 17, 2021

14 degrees celsius yesterday

A very warm day yesterday and it did do a lot of melting. Time will tell whether it all melts away but there is a Colorado Low headed this way which generally brings a heavy snowfall with it. 

Getting caught up with housework at the moment. We need to put up a plastic storage shed to cover the swing and glass picnic table so the warmer day was a bit of a nice gift since the patio has all melted away and the swing is dry. Usually they go in the garage but I want to put the car in the garage for the winter. That will help to protect it from the weather since I am not driving it very much at the moment. Plus the snow cleaning company will be able to scrape the laneway right to the garage door. I am enjoying the winter. Tempting to try out my ice skates on the pond. I haven't skated since 2014 when Edward started having a problem with his balance. He loved to skate and really did not want to give it up. But he slipped one day and just luckily between a bench and myself he managed to stay on his feet. We used to skate up and down the canal a number of times most weekends. I certainly do have a lot of memories to share with his grandchildren. They are missing him very much. Just old enough, both of them, to really member him well and to realize what they are missing. That is a pain that it is sad to see children go through actually. I was eight when my grandfather died and it was a couple of years before that missing was replaced by good memories and I moved on. 

Today some cleaning and clothes washing. The days pass very quickly and it will soon be a new year - 2022. Twenty eight more years until 2050 when the Domesday Clock tells us that earth will be less habitable unless we make huge changes. Omicron has forced us back into a stalemate once again although the vaccines are helping. Will COVID-19 go the way of the Spanish Flu and just gradually diminish over time. Anyone who lived through Spanish Flu could tell us the frustration of that one coming back again and again. This time the vaccine has given us options and we need to make good use of those options. 

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