Saturday, December 18, 2021

Chirstmas Tree or not

Still debating putting up the Christmas Tree but I likely will do that. It is such a wonderful tradition and there are so many memories built into those ornaments. Edward and I started buying an ornament for the tree when we first started to attend so many repositories from 2004 onwards. Especially when we traveled we would buy ornaments to celebrate that memory on our tree each year. The first ornament from a far away place was one that I purchased when I was in London, England with my oldest daughter in 2001. It is an image of St Paul's Cathedral (London, England) which they produced for sale in their boutique. It is a beautiful ornament. 

Starting to feel the effects of the booster shot; a small headache by night and my heart rate is at 58 instead of the usual 52 or less. When it gets down to the high 40s I do tend to find that that is perhaps too low but it doesn't seem to affect me overly. Since I have low blood pressure (generally 95 over 55), I often think the low heart rate perhaps goes along with that. It is interesting that when I run my heart rate tends to be around 160 to 165 beats per minute. One generally takes one age and subtracts that from 220 to give you the maximum heart rate (which would only be 144 in my case). However, I have been running for a good part of my life so I guess I tolerate 160 to 165 beats per minute which is more like what you might expect if you were 55 to 60 years of age. Perhaps a good sign; no ideas on that I am not a physician! Presumably I am building up lots of antibodies although I do not generally go anywhere and do not spend any time with people but I do grocery shop and go to retail stores especially at Christmas time so a booster was a good plan. Plus being a good citizen means that you get vaccinated when the time interval for you comes up. 

Finally completed my revamp of Chromosome 3 for all five of us. Just have to work the matches in and will do that today while I am cleaning. I want to thoroughly clean the entire house from top to bottom over the next couple of days plus get the garage ready to receive the car and set up the portable tent to put the swing and picnic table in making room in the garage. My daughter still has work projects to complete but will help me with the tent since it is definitely a two person job. She will need a fresh air break for sure. 

It is nice to be home for awhile although I will miss my other daughter and family. It is the first time that I have spent so much time with my grandsons. They are growing up quickly and soon I will not be a very important part of their lives. It is nice to have this time just as I had time with my grandparents. I think it is good for children to see all stages of life although watching their grandfather slowly fade away was a really hard task for them. They are still sad about grandpa; the oldest did a run last year where he had on a shirt that said he was running for his grandpa (to help him get better was of course the intent). It isn't easy to watch for sure especially for the young. 

Back to work; tons of that to do.


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