Sunday, December 19, 2021

Church on You-Tube today for sure

 Received a bulletin from my Church last night that today would be the last in-person worship service for a while. Everyone will be on You-Tube. Omicron is dominating our lives for a bit but once over this hump we move forward once again and people are getting vaccinated. We are at 80% of our population and on the way to 86% of the eligible population. The two million die-hards who will not get vaccinated are simply not being realistic I think. The vaccination helps to slow the virus and limit its effectiveness. Even if you are selfish and only think of yourself you would still be maximising your opportunity to avoid the virus. 

Looking forward to being at Church on You-Tube in real time. That hasn't been possible for a few weeks but can always happen here when I am here. I do love my Church; it is my restorative in life. It lifts my soul to an awareness of God that just isn't there all the time in everyday life - I try to have it be there but life runs away with one at times. 

Gradually getting everything sorted about. Still the tent to erect and we have another snowfall which is glorious to behold but will make the tent building somewhat more difficult. The laneway clearing though is working very well. All scraped away right to the door. I do like this company. 

Other than that I continue finishing up Chromosome 3 and should do that today hopefully. Still a bit of a muddle here and there but better to just carry on and wait for a good match which is known to me to help with that. 

Chromosome 2 and 1 are the longest chromosomes but I do have some nice sized matches on them to help me with that part of the quest towards phasing my grandparent's DNA. Indeed over the 23 chromosomes I mostly have complete coverage of all of my grandparents so could, in theory, construct each of their chromosomes and that is tempting just to see what it would look like to put that on Gedmatch and run them against their database. They were all born between 1872 and 1886. A project for the future perhaps; time will tell.

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