Thursday, December 30, 2021

Cleaning and the Blake Newsletter continuing

 Very grey and overcast here today; perhaps another snow storm. The cleaning continues today and the Blake Newsletter in my rest periods. We are staying close to home these days with all the cases of COVID-19 about. Yesterday we made an interesting dinner with leftovers - a lemon garlic butter sauce on egg noodles with fresh tomato pieces, spinach and basil (and some leftover green beans) and with that hard boiled eggs and a focaccia that we had made last night with basil, tomatoes and parmesan cheese on top. It reheated nicely in the microwave. It was a nice followup to a ham and turkey casserole that we made with left over Christmas turkey and ate for three days it was so enormous. Today we will do a homemade pizza. 

A lot to do as the end of the year approaches. My new FitBit has a lot of bells and whistles that I am learning to use. Although basically it is much like my earlier one but actually easier to use and the battery lasts even longer. There is a six month free Premium membership but can not yet decide whether to turn that on. The ECG is interesting but I have a Kardia as well. It is interesting being 76 actually and having all these extras in one's life. Still running my 40 minutes a day, walking for 45 minutes a day and 20 minutes of my calisthenics. It is actually easy to do all of that at home although going out for a walk is also very nice. I have been doing that all fall and into the winter. Edward and I used to walk around the large block every day (about 2 kilometres). 

The Kipp Newsletter is mulling around in my brain as I think about sections that I could add on the yDNA. There are two distinct migrations into the now United States with the Kip family arriving in the 1630s from Amsterdam and coming to what was then New Amsterdam and now New York and the second group coming from Germany and their surname was mostly spelled Kipp. Over time the surname Kipp dominated for all including Edward's line. However, there is a distinct difference between the DNA of the two lines. 

Breakfast beckons.

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