Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The basement cleaning today and another successful cleaning of the house

 At age 76 I did think if I should be blessed with such a long life I would still be cleaning the house. I enjoy cleaning actually; it feels rewarding as you see the neatening up in front of you as you move forward across the rooms. Not that they are very messy these days; mostly everything is in order but over the week things move; change or get altered and straightening it all up again gives one a feeling of tidiness about one. Do we need to have it tidy? Not sure; but from a young age tidiness was drilled into me and one can not generally escape what one is trained to do!

Yesterday in my break periods I worked on the latest twenty five matches and have about half of them entered into my system. A couple of really interesting new matches that I have not really seen before in terms of placement. One really exciting large match which fitted perfectly into my present phasing diagrams. I will complete that task today in my breaks. 

I am coming close to having enough data that I can create each of my grandparent's DNA that was passed to my parents so in essence I am creating my parent's DNA one might say. Going back to the great grandparents remains a tempting task which I may, if spare time ever comes to me, work on. 

I need to get back to the Kip-Kipp Newsletter as I have had a number of thoughts on items to put into it. Plus I need to locate some material in Edward's files that I will also put in. Time moves onward so must not delay on that. 

As well I need to work on the H11 Newsletter. This is the large one for the year which is interesting but represents such a small portion of the actual H11 in the FT DNA database that I sometimes wonder at the value of the work but nonetheless I will do it because there are over 300 people now in the group including myself that are interested in what we are able to see. Unfortunately this I do not publish to the blog as the information is restricted and only the members of the project can view it although I am very cautious not to publish any kit numbers so that the Newsletters can continue to be visible to the project members. 

Other than that it is another beautiful January day minus 6 degrees celsius at 7:50 am. We are to have a short warming trend and then back into the polar vortex for a bit. This is our normal January weather as I have seen it for the past fourty six years. When we first moved here I could not imagine such cold but now I am used to it and surprised when we do not have it. Mind you I do not go out in the snow with a toddler these days so do not experience that cold first hand so much anymore! But I would miss the snow for sure; it is part of my everyday life.

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