Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Cleaning Day number two

 Today is cleaning the main floor and the nice thing the car is in the garage. No more ice scraping and there was some ice last night I think. Hard to tell once the snow has come unless the car is out there and you can see it on the car! 

I also have to get to work on the mounds of paper that I have accumulated this past nine months. Some of it is journals which I will pass to the OGS Library for their collection. All of those journals ceased at the end of December (I think). No renewals went through though and I never got around to reading any of those American Genealogy Journals. Too much else to read unfortunately. 

I signed up for 50 plus Webinars this year thus far. I do have a membership with Legacy Webinars although I tend to watch them after the fact. Maybe I will watch them in real time this year. 

Other than that the day has begun and it is cloudy and minus 12 degrees celsius. Warming up slightly and I think there is a warmer day tomorrow and then back into the cold once again. 

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