Sunday, January 16, 2022

Time with God

 My time with God is special to me and today's service was filled with my favourite hymns, beautiful music and song by the choir and a very interesting sermon once again. All of the sermons at the Cathedral are interesting and cause me to contemplate our role in this world. The story of the woman without warm gloves or coat in Ottawa is heart breaking really; today it is minus 26 degrees celsius with brilliant sunshine but that cold is bitter. Ottawa is cold in the winter. 

I sometimes contemplate what is God thinking as He looks upon the world. But deep in my heart I do not really believe He interferes in the world of mankind. He listens but he does not interfere; the faith that we learned from our parents or perhaps as an adult provides the nudge that pushes us in the direction God believes we should be headed; our prayers work in unison with the Medical profession as they provide life saving care but the answer is sometimes to return to God and not to remain within the bosom of one's family. That is life I believe. If our prayers are answered it is because we have worked hard at whatever life gives us to do; done the right thing or the help that we received was able to make the difference. Our input is very important and part of the process. The prayers though are very important; God needs to know that we understand His part in our world and that we can do this; we can follow the teachings of Jesus and make the world a better place. 

God has granted me another beautiful Sunday. As the week goes forward I shall continue with my work plan. I need to get back to transcribing Blake wills. I still have thousands of them to do. I feel as if I am, in my own way, helping to make a difference in our world especially given the faith of our ancestors recorded for all time in those wills. Life is really about our gifts that we give to the world in order to make it a better place. Our ancestors wanted that for us; they fought wars to give it to us and we need to ensure that the next generations protect and care for this world that was and is a gift to us; not ours to plunder and destroy.

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