Sunday, February 27, 2022

Kyiv still Ukrainian; fights bravely against the Russian Invasion

War is an archaic tool that doesn't belong in the 21st century. The Russian people are not war mongers; their leaders are. The Russian people know how to punish leaders who send their sons and daughters to war without reason especially if those sons and daughters are killed. The threat of nuclear war has hung over my entire life and if the Russian leaders choose Armageddon so do I; the planet will flourish without us. The air will be clean; the animals will continue and earth, home to nearly eight billion homo sapiens, will instead house all the flora and fauna that God gifted earth. Why destroy though when we can move forward together in harmony. So many things done in harmony these past thirty years and more. It all started with the fall of the Berlin wall and steadily we have moved forward. Lets join hands and move forward again without having to watch as Russia's soldiers die on foreign soil far from their loved ones. Over 2500 dead or wounded and with Ukraine's infrastructure being destroyed by bombings how can they take care of Russian wounded and their own wounded and dead. The Ukrainian government has done the right thing and asked the Red Cross to repatriate the Russian dead and wounded so that they can receive proper attention in their homeland. 

This Sunday I pray and with the rest of the world likely that this war will end today, now in Ukraine.  Ukraine and Russia must settle their differences in a better way and hopefully the meeting at Chernobyl will result in a cease fire. Peace beautiful peace is what the world needs as we come out of the COVID Pandemic. Let us move forward as people of the world and create a better place for our children/grandchildren and all those who follow them. 

Attended Church on You-Tube and as the organ music fills the Cathedral one can sense God's presence in our world. He must wonder; can this human creation ever get along. We can; We must.

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