Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Not a lot accomplished on the Siderfin Book

I came to an interesting thought on the Siderfin Book as I work my way through. I had found the Siderfin Estate's Act but I suspect that it pertains to the Thomas Siderfin who died in 1578 rather than 1575 because it mentions Exton Estate. I need to read more on that today. 

Otherwise I did accomplish all of my exercise periods which I have not done for a while. My 40 minute run, then my walk with the dogs for 45 minutes outside, followed by my weight lifting (12 minutes) and then calisthenics for 20 minutes followed by a walk at night for 45 minutes. Lots of exercise which is good for the elderly. Hard to think of myself as elderly really except that both of my grandparents were like me with their very active lifestyle right to the end of their lives. They both had strokes and my grandmother passed a week later but my grandfather survived from July until October. My father had a stroke and survived seven years after that. My mother had mini strokes which caused a fall which eventually lead to her death several months later. Interesting really strokes and I do not know a lot about cause of stroke so must read up on that. 

The honking has been halted with an injunction. Really it was very unfair of the truckers to have occupied our capital city area. Their argument is predominantly with the provinces other than the cross border law that you must be double vaccinated to cross the border either way. It really does seem nonsensical now for them to be parked in downtown Ottawa. It is destroying all of those businesses downtown and wrecking the home life of all the people who live there. Perhaps they are looking to buy houses and hoping to drive the prices down!

It blocked people from going to Church and we have a lot of Churches in the downtown area. There is really only faith when everything else is taken away and even that has been taken from people except my Church does have a service on You-Tube and it continued on Sunday. The service was, as always, a wondrous opportunity to be at one with God. 

But I still think that accepting foreign money to stage an occupation is the greatest crime that has been committed against Canadians. They are making demands that Government step down and yet we voted for parties that overall supported mandates. Do they not understand democracy? One wonders if they do. They are anarchists; they need to go; they need to refuse money from foreigners. Only Canadians should have the ability to decide on our government. Perhaps at this stage we should just ignore them and they will go away. Or arrest them. No ideas on that really.

I think that perhaps my cataracts are growing a little larger since last year. My eyesight is still reasonable but my eyes are tiring so assume that it is the cataracts. Must get them checked one of these days.

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