Monday, February 7, 2022

Working on the Siderfin book

I will continue working on the Siderfin book today. I can see that my initial thoughts on just a few revisions has changed. Already I have added eight new pages and I am just at page 19 of the original book. Not having access to all the records is rather limiting here in Canada but I can order copies as they will scan and email that to me (at my expense of course!). Perhaps it is in the writing down of a family that one does end up revising. A brand new book has the feature of just starting once again at the beginning and working your way through but I would wish to give credit to James Sanders for all the work that he did way before the internet. I am sure that he didn't have indexes to use to look at material either. It would have been a lot of looking things up at the various repositories. He lived in South Molton, Devon and a trip to London and the archives was a major expedition in the early 1900s. 

I did not add anything to the Charley book particularly that I blogged earlier because the information that I have is for the one line only in Devon. Hopefully, someone in the future will run with that set of blogs and produce a revised history of the Charley family in England and Ireland. 

These are the two principal books that I have on my families that I have done any work on. There remains the book that my cousin George Dekay produced in 1976 on our mutual Carling, Beverley, Gray, Hildred, West and Mason families and their descendants. I would like to expand the book somewhat to include the Routledge, Pincombe and work my own family in since my mother was a Pincombe. All of us (my siblings) are in the book but it would be to add in details in the past that I have collected over time. George's book was 253 pages so is a huge task which I shall leave to next winter I think although I will continue to collect information. 

There is a published history of the Blake family but it contains a number of inaccuracies which I have blogged on and a number of genealogists have published revisions. There are also publications on the Blake family in terms of Charts that I have copies of but for the most part I have blogged all of them. If time permits I may write an e-book on my Blake family history. 

There are published histories of the Buller family but I have not yet worked my line back from Christopher Buller born circa 1764 as his parents continue to be unknown. But more and more records are coming online. 

The Lywood family has been well researched by another member of the Guild of one-name studies (Warwick Lywood) although I do not know if he has published a book on them yet. 

The Rowcliffe family has been published and I have corrected a mistake in our line with the individual involved in that study. 

Off the top of my head I think that is all the books that I have seen that have been written about families from which I descend. I could have missed some; at 76 my memory is sound and very good for some things but as I age I anticipate that I will need more reminders in front of me so that I do not forget things. 

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