Monday, February 7, 2022

The Trucker Convoy in downtown Ottawa does not respect us

 Perhaps that is the one item that has really emerged out of the occupation by those in the Trucker Convoy and their leaders; they do not respect us nor do they see us as having the same rights and freedoms as they claim for themselves. It is totally unfair of them to say that they come to give us freedom; they do not; we are not free. We were free before they came. 

They should leave us to carry on with loosening our COVID-19 restrictions so that we can get back to living our lives. Their coming does not help us; it hinders us. They are making life unbearable in the downtown.

They sounded their air horns on the Lord's Day. An abomination for sure. We are living in the 21st century where democracy is meant to be the best way to live. They are showing the drawbacks of democracy ever time they speak or sound an air horn or try to enter a store without a mask; they are breaking our laws. We live by the rule of law. We voted for mandates as a country. We want to have the mandates so that fewer people die.

But I think the way that they are hurting our freedom the most is by accepting foreign money to run their protest. It is the same as putting a gun at our throats.

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