Friday, February 25, 2022

The World on the Brink

What can we do? If every country in Europe sent just 10,000 soldiers to the Ukraine they would outnumber the Russian soldiers 2 to 1 easily and there would be a bloodbath. It is a watch and see. Is China willing to risk their trade with the world on their friendship with Russia? What would a world in two parts look like? Russia/China and perhaps a few others on the one side and the rest of us on the other. Would it be Armageddon? At 76 my view is really different from the view of young people. I would like to see the world continue and find a way out of the climate impasse. We can not do that with one country lobbing shells at another with the intent of whatever it is they intend. But a bloodbath in Ukraine - all those Russian soldiers (and of course other soldiers) should not have to die for a war when war doesn't have meaning anymore. People in majority rule have a right to determine their place in the world. It shouldn't be on the shoulders of an oligarchy in Russia. What a waste of intellect and resources to lob shells at another country.  We need to find peace that lasts. What the world will look like in a hundred years is up for grabs at the moment. It should be this peaceful place where the air is clean and people are happy and content doing the work they love doing and constantly making the world a better place for all the peoples of the world. 

Tribalism though continues to be the worst enemy of the people overall. With my 100% British ancestry I suppose I could belong to that group but I love Canada with its mixture of people from all over the world. We must continue to make our democracy work in a meaningful way and not let a few cause conflict within it. Canada is on display and our Prime Minister with it. 

Ukrania Ice Refuge is one of the three Ice Refuges to which people fled during the Last Glacial Maxima 15 thousand years ago. My H11 haplogroup hunkered down there and from there spread out to modern day Russia and the Baltic States and other smaller nations around Russia but also in my line took the trek through the Scandinavian Peninsula (H11 is found there as well) into Scotland where my line was in the Argyllshire/Ayrshire areas of Scotland and from there crossed into Northern Ireland and spread out into the rest of the Island from there it would appear. But also across Europe into Poland and Germany and into the southern parts of Europe as well as Western coming into the British Isles from the south also. One wonders which came first in the naming of areas really; modern history must determine land borders in order to have peace it would appear.

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