Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday again and another polar vortex

 Today is a thinking day as I work through the Siderfin Book in my mind. Now that I have decided on this massive change to the style, I need to contemplate how to best serve that change in style. Footnotes at the end of each chapter; footnotes at the bottom of each page. I suspect I will go for footnotes at the bottom of each page. Then do I do a register style showing the descendants or just into paragraph mode. I will have to think about that. There are pros and cons to both. For sure, I am a very detail conscious person so the register style system of recording a generation is more appealing to me but paragraphs with perhaps a register type notation as the subheading for each paragraph allows for more latitude in text close to the individual named. Probably I will go with that method but will think about it for a bit. 

The dogs love to spend some time with me in the room when I am working. That is happening a little more now as the puppy is becoming fairly reliable. It is important though for the two dogs to bond and they are doing really well. The puppy is still pretty independent though and that is probably good because she will outlive the older dog in all likelihood but I suspect there will always be a puppy to follow any loss of dog now. This has worked out really well. The older dog has done a wonderful job of training the puppy. 

The CARP annual general meeting was yesterday and Premier Ford was the main speaker and that was interesting to hear his thoughts on the blockades. It is almost as if these people taking on the blockades are not listening. Perhaps they are just looking to have their picture on the news. No ideas on that. But they are crippling our industries and will cause trouble for Canadian jobs in the future if they do not soon halt this process. The money is coming from the States to support them which does make one wonder if there is a thought there that bringing jobs homes to the US is the purpose of all of this blockage. It does look like we are doing it to ourselves but one wonders what is going on behind the scenes. It isn't really like Canadians to get so involved in things like this. Plus it doesn't make any sense the restrictions are gradually coming off; there is no benefit to immediate removal except for increasing our rate of sickness and hence inhibiting industry once again. Think carefully truckers who you are benefitting and who you are hurting. Think carefully supporters about jobs that could be lost down the line because you forced a change in how companies purchase supplies.

They circled the airport here in Ottawa. It does look like an insurrection in many ways. They are hurting our country. We tend to do peaceful discussions not activities funded by another country's citizens; think for yourselves. Go home. 

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