Thursday, February 10, 2022

Walking the dogs

The dogs and I have had a wonderful time out walking in the snow the last little while. The puppy remembers most of the time not to jump on me although she is still light enough that she would not knock me over. I am training her for when she is much heavier. Mostly I am successful; she is just so happy to see people that she forgets that she isn't to jump on people.

Working on the Siderfin book and I think that I will revise the style and create chapters labeled 1st generation, 2nd generation etc. I will begin with John Siderfin as he is the furtherest back in a continuous line from the present. That means there will be a maximum of 12 chapters but more likely I will only go as far as my generation in the book (i.e. anyone born before 1960 perhaps). That would make everyone in the book over 60 years of age. The practical side is that one could find oneself in the book and our age is more likely to be looking. Children or grandchildren of people in the book will likely know that individual thus making it useful for perhaps 40 years or more as some will know their great grandparents and perhaps become interested in the book that far down the line and revise it! I am sure it will need revisions as more and more material is coming on line every day. And of course this is to be an e-book.

Starting to think about the Pincombe Newsletter due on the 1st of March. I think I might like to write about the unknown Pencombe who came to North Molton with Lord de la Zouch in 1485. I do not have a lot of information on him but it could be that concentrating on him in that way and doing my usual search of the literature might reveal something that I have missed.


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