Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Continuing with the Siderfin Book

March break in most of Ontario this week and plenty of snow for the children to play in for the week. Just minus 2 degrees celsius this morning at 7:00 a.m. Melting is starting a little but a good layer of snow and ice to melt before the green grass appears in the next month or so. 

Not much progress with the parish registers but will continue to check them out to see if I can learn about some of these children attributed to Robert Sidderfin of Luxborough who do not appear in the 1627 will. Daughters who have received their marriage portion may not appear unless their children are mentioned for sure (the daughter of Christian Crouch was mentioned in Robert's will). There is a burial for a Christian Siderfin in 1616 so do not think it is his daughter but the priest could have made an error. Could the same also be true for sons who have received land already and not receiving anything else. I noticed that with the transcription of John Pincombe's will of 1794. Sometimes people just mentioned a small gift to a son who has already received property or money at 21 years of age. Robert Pincombe did that. It is good to have a look though and see what can be found. 

I would like to complete the third generation this week and move onto the fourth which is a large group. That will likely occupy me for quite a while plus I have the Blake Newsletter to produce for the first of April. 

Wonderful that the three leaders of countries in the EU traveled to Kyiv on the train. The EU has really come together as a unit in this crisis. They are a formidable force both economically and militarily with a population that is greater by five times than that of Russia. Perhaps this century will see peace in the world. Dictators will always be a problem because they are outliers. They are not predictable and to keep power they are constantly on the aggressive side in order to keep their population under control. 

It does remind me of Franco in Spain. Franco was dictatorial at the beginning but gradually he changed and became much more of a leader in Spain and he did groom the son of the former King to follow in his footsteps. He cared about Spain and not just himself; Putin is a very selfish person and he apparently has a yacht and palatial establishments same as the oligarchs of Russia.  Where is the better life for the middle class and others of Russia?Why should they have to suffer and not have a better life plus send their sons to die in an illegal war against Ukraine. To say that they are denazifying Ukraine is somewhat crazy given that the President of Ukraine is a Ukrainian Jew whose family was mostly destroyed by the Nazi Regime. I will listen to President Zelenskyy when he addresses Parliament today.

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