Wednesday, March 16, 2022

President Zelenskyy

A standing ovation for President Zelenskyy in the Canadian Parliament following his address to Parliament and all Canada. The need for Ukraine is so very great. It is the most dreadful thing to watch as Russia bombs and bombs Ukraine and not to fly in. Putin will be remembered if he ever is in the years ahead as one of the most vicious and cruel people in history. May God be with Ukraine as they fight this evil.

As we hang in the balance between peace and a Third World War and all that entails, I reflect on my young childhood. We used to go to the movies every Saturday morning with my grandfather. As a very young child I watched the newsreels showing the concentration camps; they are forever in my memory along with the bombed out buildings all over Europe. That is war; that horror that shows in faces. The memory of the pile of bodies at the concentration camps can still bring tears to my eyes as I understand at five and six years of age that these people have been murdered because they are Jewish. War is cruel and in a nuclear world it points to Armageddon. 

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