Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Funding for fighter planes and ships


Ottawa experienced an occupation by a Trucker Convoy just recently and the reaction from the people who live in Ottawa proved to be rather interesting. In general we are used to protests; they come and they go. A lot of emphasis on the word "go." They do not set up camp and stay for weeks. Towards the end of the encampment having broken many many city bylaws and been incredibly rude to the people who live in the area of the parliament buildings, people in Ottawa had had enough and they stopped people from joining the downtown protest. The Emergency Measures Act was imposed and the occupation was over very quickly and very neatly. Well done Prime Minister Trudeau. Although this is minor compared to war it does show that our citizens are ready to protect our city. We do share a water border with Russia and as the ice sheets melt it becomes a closer border in that one can navigate readily from one side of the world to the other through the Arctic Ocean. 

The greatest need we have right now in Canada is buying fighter planes and ships to patrol the north and protect our citizens who do live on these islands. We need to increase the size of the military and even consider pushing for all students to do a GAP year between high school and university to serve in the Armed Forces. A good way to save up money for university and military training is absolutely vital to keep the peace although the good citizens of Ottawa did well without military training. Russia has certainly taught us that we need to be ready. To help pay for all of that we need to get our oil to tidewater to sell it. The Trans Mountain Pipeline needs to be completed and as quickly as possible; the funding will help us to protect our country although this is tax season and I expect there will a good revenue income for the Federal Government. Buy the Fighter Planes and Get the Ships done that are being built. This has taken much too long. We have been waiting since the 90s for new planes and even longer for new ships. Having voted Conservative all those years I was saddened to see that we just did not spend the money on these necessities. Stephen Harper came to power with all sorts of promises but again nothing happened and he cut to balance the budget. We need our planes and ships. Time to get it done.

And of course we will remain a nuclear free zone as we have been since not long after the Second World War. We will not be responsible for Armageddon. Mind you the Americans have so many nuclear warheads the few that we might have possessed will not be missed.

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