Sunday, April 24, 2022

Home again

Cottage was lovely; so very relaxing. Spent quite a bit of time out of doors playing soccer. I wonder when/if I will ever give up playing soccer. At 76 I still feel up to doing that as it involves a lot of running often enough which I love to do. I am dreadful at getting the ball into the net but do make a good goalie as it turns out. Need to buy some equipment though like shin pads. The deck is now in place and swimming will begin when the weather warms up a little more. I generally do not mind the cold water although my arthritis is not always all that thrilled but I am gradually getting used to it after last summer swimming. Saw a beaver swimming up the lake yesterday morning which was a fantastic sight. I have not seen a beaver in the wild for a while. 

Must get back to finishing the Kip-Kipp Newsletter in the next couple of days and then complete the H11 Newsletter. I am finding the H11 Newsletter difficult. I have never experienced the idea of corresponding with people in war zones; it just hasn't happened to me. Now I would be corresponding with people in Russia and in Ukraine. It is so sad as they are genetic cousins on the mitochondrial line. All of this killing of civilians is a sad state to be in in the 21st century (or any time really but especially now after so many years of peace). 

I also want to work on the Siderfin book - fourth generation although I expect to flit back and forth somewhat to the earlier generations as the book that James Sanders wrote does do that to a certain extent and I need to move all of his text so that it fits into the scheme I have selected for this revision of his 1912 book. 

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