Monday, April 25, 2022

Raining today; April showers bring May flowers

Rain is always welcomed in the spring because it brightens up our world. It can be very dark and bleak in Canada in the winter but the white snow does help to brighten it up somewhat. But spring, when it comes, is a marvelous treat after seven months of winter. I love the winter; can not imagine life without winter and its beautiful white glistening snow. The cold is harder to manage but modern day furnaces make that a thing of the past inside. 

Life in Canada has been a time without a world war these past 76.5 years. When war was over in Europe the celebrations were wonderful my mother always said. People cheered and danced in the streets. Although we were virtually untouched by the bombings; we did live with rationing and so many of our military in Britain or working the oceans back and forth. In 1940 it was the UK and the Commonwealth against the might of the Nazi force in Europe and then attacking England virtually non stop night and day. How they withstood that constant barrage was due in part to a body of water (the English Channel) which separated them from Europe as well as the North Sea which separated Scandinavia from Scotland. The treacherous journey across the Atlantic with vital food supplies and military equipment was made by the Canadian Navy. They hung on that year and some gains were made but it was viscous. Many ships went to the bottom with U-boat attacks by the Nazis. Gradually more and more equipment was sent to England as the war moved into a new phase but Canadians remembered that hard year of 1940 and still do in the memory banks handed down in families. We must help Ukraine; we can never know what is hidden in the future and the time to act is now. The people of Russia are no longer free; that freedom of the 1990s has been eroded away and now they are slaves of a new czar - Putin. 

Wherein lies the answer to how to end all of this fighting. The economies of countries are being held ransom by a greed for land. Russia should surely be able to see that there are no eyes or demands on their territory; they are safe. Who is going to attack them anyway? Their economy was humming along because they are part of the oil league - guaranteed income although that could change rapidly with electric cars but we still need oil and gas for production in factories; life in homes and schools. But Putin is greedy and he wants land and he wants a land bridge to the Crimea which wasn't his in the first place either - the Czars of Russia loved the Crimea and as he has assumed dictatorial powers in Russia over the last twenty years perhaps his mind sees himself as a future Czar of Russia and so he must have what the Czars of Russia had. So the Ukrainians are dying because Putin is greedy and sees himself as a Czar. But what about the good people of Russia who work hard and most do not have the nice things that people in wealthy countries like Russia have. Putin has all of those things and far more but he is greedy; he wants more and he takes away more freedoms from Russians.


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