Tuesday, April 12, 2022

My Income Tax submitted and thank goodness

Thank goodness my Income Tax is submitted and now just Edward's to do. I need to mail it so will have to get scanning the documents and then submit. I believe I will take the time to send it priority post so that I have tracking on it. My life just seems a little easier and will wait and see if the government agrees with my submissions. 

At 76 all of this just seems like a lot of work. I know that I could hire someone but that is also a big chore to do that as I am  in Deep River. Just this year to get through and then back to normal except I just have my own return to worry about. It is pretty straight forward to do it. 

Now I have to think of the things that I would like to accomplish now that I am back from Florida. It was surprising that we went but it was such a good rest. My daughter has been working so much the last two years. There is that side of the equation where one is working all the time, overtime, etc and those who do not have work is the other side of the equation. You wonder who is better off; certainly healthwise working so much without breaks is very hard on you so likely it is better to batten down the hatches, cook everything from scratch and save money and you can live a lot cheaper. But if you have to work then you just have to do it; needed professions such as Health Care have worked very hard through this pandemic. All the nastiness that has come their way lately is really being stupid on the part of the people taking part. 

Now back to work. I want to spend time on the Siderfin Book and I also have the next issue of the Kipp Newsletter to do and the H11 Newsletter. I think in this issue of that newsletter I shall have a few things to say about Russia's very illegal war in Ukraine. Any war should be illegal now and the United Nations should just step in and put down the invading armies. That will come perhaps in my lifetime. We can not afford such a ridiculous way of handling disagreements. 

I really had a good rest while I was away. I managed to do all my usual walking and running but did not do my calisthenics. Doing that would have been awkward unless I did them by the side of the pool but decided not to do that. Off for a run though as we raked this morning just to get rid of the leaves that fell after the snow came down!

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