Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Blake Newsletter email sent out to the Blake Group

 Blake Newsletter, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2022

         Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.    Who was Roger Blake of Pynnhills, Wiltshire whose will was probated 16 Nov 1557 ?
2.    Blake yDNA Surname Study - Summary
3.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers – baptisms
4.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages

1.    Who was Roger Blake of Pynnhills, Wiltshire whose will was probated 16 Nov 1557 ?

Roger Blake provides a lot of information about the Wiltshire Blake family. He is known to trace down from Robert Blake married to Avis Wallop. Various Pedigree Charts have this couple listed and the ancestral line attributed to Robert Blake. Finding the relevant information is not something that I have particularly looked into although have reproduced the various charts several times. The Pedigree Chart produced by the College of Arms I tend to see as a very interesting rendition of the ancestral line taking this family back to a Richard Blake/Blaake/Blague who lived during the reign of Edward I and Edward II. However, there is a large error in the information given for Richard Blake. The document referred to in the caption concerning a Richard Blake exists in the Calendar of Patent Rolls:

"Licence, until Michaelmas, for Walter le Aketon, merchant of Rouen, to
come to England to trade and to carry his wools and merchandise to the
usual fairs and markets by the public streets and common ways, provided
he do not carry or cause to be carried his wools or merchandise out of the
kingdom, nor deal with the Flemings or others of the power of the countess
of Flanders in the kingdom, or in any way communicate with them, during
the contention between the king and the said countess.
[30 May 1274 Westminster, 2 Edward I, volume 1, pages 51 - 52, Calendar of Patent Rolls]
The like for the following :—
Peter de Bules, merchant of Rouen
William Burnell, merchant of Rouen
Hugh le Coynte, merchant of Rouen
Robert le Balauncer, merchant of Rouen
William de Toftes, merchant of Rouen
Matthew de Walle Richeri, merchant of Rouen
Richard le Mynnot, merchant of Rouen
William de Cryel, merchant of Rouen
Nicholas Veisin, merchant of Rouen
Antonin de Beuvays, merchant of Rouen
Nicholas de Fovill, merchant of Rouen
John de Alneto, merchant of Rouen
6 June [1274 Westminster etc]
Richard le Vilein, merchant of Rouen
Henry Lovet, merchant of Rouen
Walter Peitevin, merchant of Rouen
Hubin de Sancto Martino, of Huy.
John Tafurnawe, of Huy, merchant of Almain.
Henry le Soriz, of Huy, merchant of Almain.
Ralph de Leges, merchant of Leges.
John Henneman, merchant of Leges.
Libert de Leges, merchant of Leges.
John Nicholas, merchant of Deu.
Herewail, merchant of Huy.
Cono Dain, merchant of Huy.
Donrician Daundevale, merchant of Huy.
John Fox, of Brabant, merchant.
John Proppe, merchant of Malins.
John Perewez, of Huy, merchant of Brabant.
John Nicard, merchant of Huy.
Peter de Sauveye, merchant of Rouecestre.
Peter Cosyn, citizen of London.
Reginald de Menachato, merchant of Piacenza.
Conrad Nerbode, merchant of Almain.
Arnold de Dik, merchant of Malyns.
Nicholas Flambard, merchant of Rouen.
John de Torpmimie, merchant of Almain.
Geoffrey Aungevyn, merchant of Rouen.
William Cirurgyen, of Northampton.
William Bek, of London,
Henry Lovet, of Rouen.
Atinus Pruudalis, of Piacenza.
Hugelin Hugelinell, fellow of Nicholas Teste.
Nicholas Teste, fellow of Aldebrand Malagale.
John Winterman, merchant of Almain,
Luke de Lukes, merchant of Lucca.
Gotmar de Lubek, merchant of Almain.
Conrad de Affle, merchant of Almain.
Godschalc le Wyse, merchant of Almain.
Christopher de Munchy, merchant of Beuvays
Robert de Messegewell, merchant of Rouen.
John Donadeu, merchant of Cahors.
Everard de Duncy, merchant of Amiens
James Piket, merchant of Amiens
Warin Piket, merchant of Amiens
Warin Reinevall, merchant of Amiens.
Giles de Mundider, merchant of Amiens
Jacomin de Sancto Fuscencio, merchant of Amiens
Everard le Franceis, merchant of Amiens
Richard le Blak, merchant of Rouen
Reyner de Furnar', merchant of Florence.
John Weremund, merchant of Caumbrey,
Alan de Sakintot, merchant of Rouen.
John Parwale, merchant of Malines.
Henry de Laghene, merchant of Malines.
Henry de Lewe, merchant of Brabant.
John de Mes, merchant of Amiens.
Walter Aketon, merchant of Fouen,
John Dunadeu, merchant of Cahors.
John de Burgundia, merchant of Amiens
Drogo Malherbe, merchant of Amiens
John Dare, merchant of Amiens
Ingelram Beremere, merchant of Amiens
Gilbert Bonnavel, merchant of Amiens"

The variety of the names is quite interesting and I have decided to publish all of the names in the newsletter as we inherit from thousands of different names and so could be quite interesting to readers.

Top of the Pedigree Chart created by the College of Arms:

Section 2 below:  
Section 3 below:  

Roger, about whom this description is written, is located in the middle of the third chart above. He would be, according to the chart, a 5th great grandson of Richard le Blak at the top of this particular chart.  This Chart was originally created in 1690 by Daniel Blake who was descendant of the Blake family at Andover. It is quite possible that Daniel is a descendant of Richard le Blak but likely through a female line which married into the Blake family at Andover. There does not appear to be any evidence that the Blake family at Andover is descendant of the Blake family found at Pinhills, Wiltshire (near Calne) through the male line. As shown in the last newsletter the family line there likely goes back to Robert Blake who left his will in 1521 (Roger died circa 1557 in Wiltshire and his contemporary in the Blake line of Andover would likely be Nicholas Blake of Knights Enham who left his will in 1547. A son William also appears on this Pedigree chart displayed above although somewhat erroneously as his father was Nicholas Blake (and his mother Margaret (possibly Blake and first cousin to Nicholas)) and not Roger Blake as claimed on this chart. But carrying on with Roger Blake and he did leave a will but only mentioned his eldest son and his youngest daughter and eventually I will get to that.
Having now given Roger an ancestral line which does appear to be consistent with other renditions other than the very top of the chart, I would discuss the error at the top of this chart. Beside Richard Blake is a caption on the right side which reads: R Blake gave certain Lands in Essex to the Knights Tempars in the Reign of King Edward I which may be seen by Record in the Tower of London Esc[h]aetr 31 Ed I no 77. However, this particular grant of land was actually made by a Roger le Blake of Madebrook to the Knights Templars 20 Nov 1302. Madebrook is actually the name of a pub presently located in Madeley near Telford in Shropshire. A rather interesting find as there are also Blake lines in that area down to the present. The particular wording of the grant from C143/41/23 (National Archives of the UK): “Roger le Blake of Madebrook to grant land in Eastwood to the master and brethren of the Knights Templars in England, retaining a cottage and land in Thundersley and Eastwood.”  

I think we can be satisfied that Richard le Blak came from Rouen, Normandy in or after 1274 to establish a wool market in England. At another time I will have more to say about Richard le Blak.
Getting back to Roger his likely 5x great grandson who married (according to the Pedigree Chart Roger Blaake of Cawne in County Wiltshire Esquire died 3 Queen Mary 1556 at the age of 57 years so born circa 1499 (note the discrepancy with the date of the will below). He is said to have married Mary Baynard of Lackham, Wiltshire which is actually a lucky break in this family as the Baynard family were well established and known and left a number of wills as well. The Blake Museum in Bridgwater also has a Blake Pedigree Chart and I have a hypertext link to the ninth page which shows the similar lineage down to Roger Blake as well. The top of the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Blake Museum though shows a Robert le Blake of Quemberford as the father of Richard Blaque alias Blake of Wiltshire (namely the person named at the top of the chart produced by the College of Arms and illustrated above). It is an interesting conundrum that can be looked at later but this is a good point to mention it once again. 

Returning to Roger Blake who married Mary Baynard and this can be seen in Section 3 above of the College of Arms chart. Roger’s sister Anna married a brother of Mary Baynard. Roger and Mary have a differing number of children on the two charts. The Blake Museum Chart lists only Thomas (1st son and heir) lived at Pynnelles, Robert who lived at Calne, John who lived at Hillcott, Sybill married to Henry Bull, Joan married to Thomas Goddard, Mary married to Edward Langridge and significantly there isn’t a William listed. I would have thought that this chart would also have listed a William if it was correct and on finding this chart my opinion on the placing of a William as a son of Roger on the College of Arms chart is incorrect. However one does note that the College of Arms Chart was produced in 1690 with additions up to the 1730s whereas the chart at the Blake Museum has been produced at a later time possibly the mid 1800s. I am somewhat suspicious on its origins in that it contains a great deal of information on the Somerset Blake family and linking it back to the Calne Wiltshire family. The College of Arms was dealing with a Blake Pedigree which was linking the Hampshire Blake family to the Calne Wiltshire Blake family. Both charts do have similarities which in themselves are quite interesting. There are other charts that I will deal with as one newsletter once again when I complete a project that I am undertaking.
Roger Blake left his will dated 1 Jun 1557 and probated 16 Nov 1557.
Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 30 Aug 2010
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/39 UK, #532/468
Testator: Roger Blake, Esquire
Location: Calne, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 1 Jun 1557, probated 16 Nov 1557
Relationship: son of Robert Blake and Margaret Englefield
[Margin]: T[estament] Rogeri
[Margin]: Blake
1    In the name of God Amen The first daye of June, in the yere after the
2    incarnation of Christe a thousande fyve hundred fiftie and seven. I Roger Blake of pynne
3    hilles in the parrishe of Caln in the countie of Wiltes[hire] esquire being of whole mynde and of
4    good and parfite memorye thancks therefore be geven to allmighte God. knowing nothing to be
5    more certynne than death and the tyme thereof most uncertayne mynding therefore to prevente
6    the same with good delibera[t]ion and advise doo ordeyne and make this my last will and testa[men]t
7    in manner and forme following that is to say First I comitte my soule unto the mercye of
8    allmightie God the father obtayned throughout the merites of his deere sonne Jesus Christe
9    my savior the whiche with t[he ]holly goost I do acknowleadge and confesse to be one verye true
10    and everliving god. And my bodie when it shall please allmightie God to call me out of this
11    transitory worlde. I will decentlye to be buryed in the parrishe of Churche of Calne aforesaid
12    And as touching my goods and cattalles I will them to be ordred and distributed as shal[l ]be
13    hereafter limited and expressed that is to say First I geve and bequeath to myn eldest sonne
14    Thomas Blake all my leases and termes for yeres that I have of and in certiyne groundes
15    por[t]ionnes and tithes w[i]thin the feeldes parrishes and townes of Calne and Cheriell w[i]thin the
16    said countie of Wiltes[hire] provided alwais that Mary my wif shal[l ]have and enioye to her
17    owne use the possession and occupa[t]ion of all the said grounds por[t]ions and tithes w[i]thin the
18    said feeldes and parrishes of Calne and Cheriell. And all the revenues yssues and profitts
19    growing comyng or yerelie renewing out of the same and of ev[er]ye parte thereof ymmediately
20    from and after my decease so long as the same Mary shal live soole and unmarryed paying
21    therefore to the lordes the yerelie rente And also I geve unto my said sonne Thomas all
22    my goodes housholde stuff and stocke of sheepe and cattell that I have in and uppon my Farme
23    of Pynburye w[i]thin the Countie of Glouc[estershire] paying therefore w[i]thin nyn[e] yeres after my deacese
24    the somme of three score and one pounds and tenne shillinge of currant money to the church
25    wardens of the parrishe of Calne aforesaid. And furthermore I geve and bequeath to
26    my nephew Roger Blake the eldest sonne of my sonne Thomas all suche por[t]ion of my plate
27    housholde stuff and ymplements of householde being w[i]thin and aboute my mansion house of
28    Pynhills. And suche sheepe oxen kyen and other cattell young and pasturing uppon my
29    groundes belonging to the same mansion house and at Shawe as ar written in an Inven-
30    tarye indented and signed w[i]th myn owne hande whereof th[e ]one parte remaynuth in the
31    custodye of my cousen Edward Baynard and th[e ]other parte w[i]th my cousen John Willow-
32    by provided alwaies that my wif Mary Blake shall have the possession custody and
33    occupa[t]ion of all the saide plate houshold stuff ymplements of housholde and the said sheep
34    oxen kyne and other cattell conteyned w[i]thin the said inventarye during her life And that
35    after her decease my said sonne Thomas Blacke shal[l ]have the possession occupa[t]ion and
36    custodye of the same during his lief. And furthermore I do geve will and bequeathe
37    all my landes tenementis and hereditamentis with all and singular their app[ur]ten[an]ces
38    called or known by the name or names of Slowcrofte Blaaks pen or pensett lying and
39    being w[i]thin the parrishe of Calne in the said countie of Wiltes[hire] to Edward Baynard John
40    Erneley Harry Brancker Esquiers Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
41    Harry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynard and
42    their heires to th[e ]uses following that is to saye First to those of the said Edward Baynard
43    John Erenley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
44    Harry Rogers Anthony [Goddard] Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynarde and their heires
45    shall take and levie of th[e ]issues and profittes of the said landes tenements and hereditaments
46    called Slowcrofte Blakes pen or pens[ett] the som[m]e of two hundred pounds of currant money of
47    England whereof xl li first to be payde shal[l ]be to th[e ]use of Antony Goddard my sonne in lawe one hundred with the other parte of the said somme of cc li paide shalbe to th[e ]use of Mary Blake my youngest daught[er]
48    for her advancement and preferrement in marriage provided alwaies that if the said
49    Mary my daughter happen to marrye without the consent of my cousen Edward Baynard and
50    Mary my saide wif. That thenne fortye poundes parcellof the said dowrie shal[ ]be to th[e ]uses
51    of my saide wife and of my said sonne Thomas and the residwe of the saide som[m]e of cc li
52    shal[l ]be to th[e ]use and for the paymet of the debtes of me the saide Roger. And after the said somme
53    of twoo hundred pounds by the said Edward Baynard John Erneley Henrye Brancker
54    Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert
55    Baynard Henrye Bull Laurence Baynard or their heirs to th[e ]uses aforesaid levied the
56    said Edward Henry John Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry and Laurence
57    and their heires shall ymmediately from thenceforth stand and be seazed of and in all th[e ]aforsaid
58    lands tenements and hereditaments called Slowcrofte Blakes pen or pensett w[ith]all and
59    singular th[e ]appurtenances and of ev[er]y parte parcell and membre thereof to the soole and only
60    use of my said sonne Thomas Blake and of his heires for[ev]er provided alwaies that
61    Marye my wife shal[l ]have and enioye to her own use the whole possession occupa[t]ion and
62    ferme of all the said landes tenements and hereditaments within th[e ]appurtenance called Slowcroft
63    Blakes pen or pen so long as she shall live sole and unmarryed paying therefore yeralie to the
64    said Edward Baynard John Ernley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby
65    Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Anthony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence
66    Baynard and their heires fourteen pounds of currante money of England at two tymes in
67    the yere, that is to say at the feasts of Th[e ]annunciation of our Ladye and Sainte Michaell
68    th[e ]Archangell by even por[t]ionnes unto suche tyme as the said somme of two hundred pounds
69    be by the said Edward John Henry Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry Laurence
70    or their heires fully levied to th[e ]uses and intentes before expressed And after the said somme
71    of two hundred pounds by the said Edward and the others before w[i]thyn named the said
72    Marye my wif shall pay the said yerelie rent of fourty pounds to the said Thomas Blake
73    and his heires at the dayes appointed so long as she shal[l ]have the possession and occupa[t]ion
74    and ferme of the said lands tent[ement]s and hereditaments called Slowcrofte Blakes pen
75    or penne The rest of my goodes not bequeathed I doe geave to my said wif Mary Blake
76    Whome I make my soole and whole executrixe And overseers of this my last will I doo appoint
77    and ordayne Edward Baynard and Henry Brancker esquiers and Robert Blake of Lavyng
78    ton And in token of profe that this is my very last will I have hereunto subscribed and sette
79    my seale the day and yere above written in the presence of Edward Baynard John
80    Willoughby Anthony Goddard W Asheman and other By me Roger Blake
81    Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram duo apud London 16th de mensis
82    Novembris Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo septimo Iurament Petri
83    Johnson Curate procur[ator]is marie Relec et executricis in h[uius]modi testamento no[min]at[e] Ac approbatu[m]
84    Et insinuatum etc comissa fuit administrac[i]o omnium bono[rum] iur[ium] et creditor[um] dicti defuncti etc p[re]fate
85    Relic etc de bene etc Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario conficiend etc necnon de plano et vero
86    computo reddendo etc Ad sancta dei Evangelia in p[er]sona dei procuris iurat
Roger only mentions his eldest son Thomas and his youngest daughter Mary who was not yet married. All other daughters were married and the other sons already had properties where they were living. The Visitation of Wiltshire is helpful in that it lists the parents of Roger Blake namely Robert Blake and Margaret Englefield which is in agreement with both Pedigree Charts. Roger’s son Thomas does inherit as shown and did live at Pinhills and his eldest son was named Roger.
The Visitation of Wiltshire 1623, page 81 and can be found on the Internet Archive site.
The Pedigree Chart is headed up by Roger Blake and his wife Mary Baynard. Only the eldest son Thomas is listed on the Blake page followed by Thomas’ son Roger married to Wraxed Gastrill and their children who are living in the time of the taking of the Visitation in 1623. Henry (son of Henry Blake of Pinnells and his wife Abigail Stringer) has signed the visitation page.
Roger Blake proves to be a very interesting member of the Calne Blake family in that there are charts and documents linking him back in time and forward in time.  
British History Online provides some further information on Roger (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=18038 ):
“Of the small and several freeholds west of Calne's open fields, probably originating in piecemeal grants or sales of demesne pasture of the king's estate or Calne manor, (fn. 59) seven lay south of the Marden. PINHILLS was held in 1407 by John Formage, to whom it had been conveyed by John Patford, the son and heir of David Patford. A share in what was probably the estate was acquired from William York by John Cricklade, the lord of Studley manor, in an exchange in 1461. Pinhills was reputed a manor in 1504, when it was held at his death by John Blake. Although John's heirs were his grandson Richard Dauntsey and his daughter Joan Wroughton, Pinhills apparently passed to his brother Robert Blake (d. 1515) and in the direct line to Roger (d. 1557), Thomas (d. by 1599), Roger, Henry (will proved 1653), and Henry Blake (d. 1660), who devised it to his grandson Henry Blake (d. 1731). Henry held Pinhills in 1698, apparently not in 1728, when it was 157 a. By 1738 Pinhills had been acquired by B. H. Stiles (d. 1739), and it may have been part of the property sold by his nephew and heir Sir Francis Stiles in 1746. It was acquired by Daniel Bull (d. 1791), who in 1769 sold the reversion of it after his death to William Petty, earl of Shelburne (cr. marquess of Lansdowne 1784). Pinhills farm, 135 a., was among lands settled in 1802 by Lord Lansdowne on his son Henry, marquess of Lansdowne from 1809, offered for sale in 1808 by order of Chancery, and bought in 1809 by John, marquess of Lansdowne (d. 1809). John's successor Henry, marquess of Lansdowne, sold the farm, 87 a., in 1813  and bought it again in 1816.  Pinhills farm has since belonged to the owners of Bowood House.  Pinhills House, the principal house on the estate, stood on a rectangle enclosed by a moat.  In December 1644 it was captured by a royalist force, rendered uninhabitable, and perhaps partly demolished.  It was probably restored after the Civil War, and in 1728 a large house stood on the moated site.  It was later taken down, possibly c. 1771 after Castle House in Calne was enlarged for Daniel Bull.  Pinhills Farm, south of the moat, is on an L plan with a north-south range built in the 17th century. In the mid 18th century a west wing was added at the north end of that range, and a new gabled north entrance front was formed.”
Roger Blake is indeed an interesting person to study as he can trace back and forward a number of generations giving a starting point for family research. Finding known descendants of this family and persuading them to do their yDNA would be very interesting.

2.    Blake yDNA Study at FT DNA

Having given a lot of thought to the display of the yDNA study at FT DNA for the Blake family, I have concluded that the best way to display the information is based on the hierarchical display beginning with the furtherest back in common mutation found in any particular group. This will take some time to work through and I will enter in as much as I have completed thus far. Anyone else wanting to work with me on this design is most welcomed. At 76 I am finding that I have so much work still to do that my time spent on this will not really be adequate other than to point out that studies these days are looking at the path back and where different lines diverged.

Of interest, the work done on the peoples who first crossed from Asia to the Western Hemisphere (people of Beringia) concentrated initially on the mitochondrial lines but gradually the yDNA is also being studied as changes occurred during the time of the Great Ice Age and the thousands of years that followed whilst the people of the Beringia were located on this now sunken area between Asia and North America. The variations in DNA were astounding but thousands of years likely passed during these changes. This, of course, takes us out of the genealogical framework for placing surnames but knowing that these changes occur sometimes over a short time period like a thousand years does make me look differently at the result display.

The group to which my brother’s results belong is a good example and I begin there.

A – I-P37

There are four members in this group. One member has tested only P37 but all members of this group are derived for P37. A second member has tested derived for Z180 and the path back is Z185, CTS8584, Z171, S2361, ZS3, S2364, CTS6433, CT1977, Z165, L801, CTS4348, Z161, L702, CTS10057, CTS616, P222, M223, P214, L460, CTS2257, P215, M170. A third member has tested derived for PH151 (this is my brother) and his path back PH151/PH3480, S2742, S2703, FGC7087, L1498, S2639, L161, CTS5375, M423, P37. A fourth member has tested derived for A2293 and his path back A2330, Y14605, Y14611, S2742, S2703, FGC7087, L1498, S2639, L161, CTS5375, M423, P37.

Member one has only tested P37. Member two has tested down to Z180 which has an estimated age of 2900 years before present (ybp) with an error factor of 1200 but no one else has tested with this result yet. This member is not P37 but rather goes back to the parent of P37 which is L460 where the choice is between P214 or P37. However, I have included this member in this group because all members of the group go back to M170 but I am not showing that here. Member three and four diverge at the step following S2742. The age of this haplogroup is said to be 6400 ybp with an error factor of 1800.
This would place members three and four into a similar group who arrived in the British Isles as much as 8,000 to 12,000 years ago and the origin of these two members is said to be the British Isles. That they both have the same surname is possibly amazing and coincidental as they are not known to share ancestry in a genealogical timeframe. All members of the group share P37 as derived and this haplogroup is dated at 20,900 ybp with an error factor of 3500. All are from the British Isles with one stating Ireland and two stating England. They are linked together by P37 and likely their roots extend back 8,000 to 12,000 in the British Isles. They were named the “Deer Hunters” by Ethnoancestry and BritainsDNA (both companies no longer involved in DNA studies) but their name lives on in their naming of these various groups early to the British Isles.
B – I-M253

There are thirteen members in this group. Nine of the members have only tested to M253. M253 has been written up a number of times and the age of this group has been estimated at 17,000 ybp and has an error factor of 4600 with the greatest frequency in Nordic Europe. A few in the group have postulated that this group is descendant of the Calne Blake family which would actually fit into the idea that Richard le Blak was the founder coming from Rouen Normandy in 1274 to set up a wool market in England just over 700 years ago.   Countries of origin are variable with two naming Ireland, five naming England, one the United Kingdom and the remainder unknown. Looking at the first twelve markers there is a lot of similarity between all the members and in a seven hundred year period a number of mutations would not be particularly surprising.

Member one has tested to Z59 and the path back is S244/Z58, DF29/S438, L840/M253. Members two to four have only tested to M253. Member five has tested to Z132 and the path back is M253. Members six to ten have tested to M253. Member 11 has tested to BY184774 and the path back is FT258059, BY25107, Y5473, FT4064, CTS11603, L22, S64346, CTS10028, CTS6364, DF29, M253. Member 12 has tested to Y4741 and the path back is Y4734, Y4737, S14887, S7660, P109, Z2338, L22, S6346, Y2592, DF29, M253. Member 13 has only tested to M253.

Member one has tested to Z59 which has an estimated age of 4600 ybp and has an error factor of 1100. Member five has tested to Z132 which is just one step away from Z59 so the age of this group is similar to that of M253. Member 11 has tested to BY184774 and I was not able to determine an age estimate. Member 12 has tested to Y4741 which has an estimated age of 2500 ybp and an error factor of 600. This group Y4341 is said to have expanded around 1350 ybp which I found to be somewhat interesting in that there was a large expansion of Vikings in that time period and Normandy France is suggested to have been a colonial area for the Vikings.

C – I-M223

There are twelve members in this group and eleven have only tested to M223. One member of the group is not part of the rest of the group as he is not descendant of Theophilus Blake. Susan Osborne, co-administrator of the Blake yDNA group, has done an extensive research into the genealogy of Theophilus Blake and should be contacted for any information (email on website) on Theophilus Blake. One member has tested to BY65093 and the path back is Y4715, Y4725, FGC15105, FGC15109, Y4746, Z2054, Z2059, BY1003, FGC15071, CTS616, P222, M223. I did find it interesting that this particular line is similar to the line for Francis Cooke one of the Mayflower passengers. The difference begins at Y4725 which is rather interesting but not necessarily helpful unless the age of the mutation is in a genealogical timeframe (the last thousand years is my definition of a genealogical time frame for location). Finding Theophilus Blake’s birthplace has been a goal for Susan Osborne for a very long time. Having seen this particular coincidence I do wonder if looking at the Protestation Returns for 1641/42 might be a worthwhile task. I am not sure that all Blake names have been extracted from that particular set of documents.  Z2059 is said to have an estimated age of 4200 ybp and an error factor of 1800. I have not been able to locate information closer to BY65093.  I shall consider doing that extraction of Blake from the Protestation Returns as I have a number of the Protestation Returns and acquiring others might not be that difficult. 

The one member who does not fit into this group is the last one in the list on the website. There are several areas where he does not match the rest of the group who are known to be descendant of Theophilus Blake but his line does come down from M223. At some point I may divide this group once again into two M223 groups. 

D – R-M269
This is the largest group of the Blake results and must be subgrouped. One item to always bear in mind looking at the yDNA of a family is that often enough when a line reached an end in the male line if there was a married sister with sons then either her husband or her sons would take the surname of this brother in law/uncle and so the YDNA would not match this line even though they carry the surname. But given the ethnicity in particular areas in particular time frames much of the population probably shared a similar haplogroup and perhaps even down into subclades. This, to my thoughts, would be particularly apt with the R haplogroup which is very large and found all over Europe and the British Isles in our formation days. 

One particular section in this large group M269 is known descendants of Richard Blake (aka Richard Caddell of Galway, Ireland). In this case the family at Towerhill and Kiltolla. The work on this group has been done by one of the members and all but one have tested their haplogroup beyond R-M-269. I will begin with this group and give it a sub label of D1 – R-M269. I will create a second group who may be rather similar to this group but have not done extensive testing but believe they descend from Sir Thomas Blake and label it D2 – R-M269. A third group has primarily Irish ancestry and are again similar to the two other groups and I will label them D3 – R-M269. This large group has proven to be a difficulty for me whenever I committed to redoing the layout. The original layout was created by Barrie Blake and was the result of emails back and forth between the members of the groups and himself. I would like to retain that paper trail in some way. A fourth group has English ancestry in the Somerset area of England and will be labeled D4 – R-M269. A fifth group has English ancestry in the Dorset/Wiltshire area and will be labeled D5 – R-M269. A sixth group states descent from Clan Colla and has just one member. For the moment I will retain this as a singleton group named D6 – R-M269. A seventh group is from East Anglia and there is just one member of the group which will be labeled D7 – R-M269.

As I go through M269 I am ambivalent about making changes. They will be mostly superficial changes as my expertise and knowledge in DNA is not that comprehensive where the R haplogroup is concerned. I welcome any one’s thoughts on these changes and whether they would like to make suggestions. But deep clade ancestry does appear to be the direction in which we are heading in the DNA world. Looking at surnames is very much in the present and extending back into the past beyond 1500 and genealogical records is only possible because of the great efforts made by particular families to record their lines. In the case of Blake this does permit us to go back to the 1100s-1200s which is very exciting. One should not be disappointed with these results but rather see it is a revealing of the importance of this name to families particularly in the cases where the lines are in common back thousands of years. Amazing that family lines have preserved their yDNA lines through so many hazards of which war, famine, young death and the ice age itself have played such a huge role.

This group will include those who have family folklore that they descend from Richard Blake (also known as (aka) Richard Caddell). The DNA work on this group was done by one of the members and I highly recommend that process as I simply do not have time to get so intensely involved. It is best to also belong to the project for your particular haplogroup. There are six members in this group. One has tested only to R-M269 and the other five have done deep haplogroup clade testing. Numbers 1 and 3 have tested to FGC39974 and the way back is FGC39971, FGC39981, FGC39973, L159, Z255, Z16423, L21, Z290, P312, P310, L51, L23, M269. Numbers 2 and 6 have tested to BY34984 and the way back is FGC39971, FGC39981, FGC39973, L159, Z255, Z16423, L21, Z290, P312, P310, L51, L23, M269. Number 1 and 3 have received one of the two mutations under FGC39971 and Number 2 and 6 have received the second of the two mutations under FGC39971. Number 5 has tested to L159 and the way back is L159, M269. Number 4 has tested to M269. There are other members in the overall study with similar results to this group but I have not written to them to see if they would like to be more involved. I feel that if they are interested they will contact the other group to enquire about the testing that they are doing. 

A short history of Richard Blake (aka Richard Caddell) might be interesting at this point. I find this gentleman to be of interest considering he lived in the area where a Roger Blake was located in the early part of the 1300s and making a grant of land to the Knights Templar mentioned above. In the case of this Richard Caddell (later) Blake family there is a theory that their name is derived from the Saxon word Blac. Another theory is that this line is descendant of one of the knights of King Arthur's round table namely Ap-lake. What is known is that in the reign of Henry II (1154-1189), King of England, Richard Blake accompanied Richard de Clare (aka Strongbow), 2nd Earl of Pembroke and one of the Barons of the Welsh Marches. He aided Mac Murchada who had been dispossessed of the Kingdom of Leinster of which he was King. For his assistance, Strongbow was to succeed in Leinster (he married Mac Murchada's eldest daughter). Richard Caddell was part of his entourage which sailed to Ireland to take back the Kingdom of Leinster. Richard went on to build a castle at Menlo near Galway and took upon himself the surname Blake. The surname Blake is common in Ardfry, Ballyglunin, Belmont, Castlegrove, Corbally, Forbough, Frenchfort, Hollypark, Killeencast, Mace, Menlo, Merlinpark, Moorfield, Orancastle, Rahara or Annbally, Renville, (formerly of Lehinch, in Mayo), Tully, Waterdale and Windfield, in the County of Galway; and Ballinafad, Brookhill, Garracloone, Milltown and Towerhill in County Mayo. This particular group working together have been able to trace back to the Blake lines at Towerhill and Kiltolla, Galway. There is a published book for this line but not with me here unfortunately. I will try to remember to put that into the next issue.
Of course the two volume set by Martin Joseph Blake (Blake Family Records) is a must for studying the Blake family of Galway, the Preface is signed Martin J. Blake, Lincoln’s Inn, July, 1905.

The second group under R-M269 are named as the descendants of Sir Thomas Blake. I did not prepare the original labels for these groups but will retain them until I step down unless something is brought to my attention to change the title. I believe this is Sir Thomas Blake, second baronet, Menlough, Ireland. He was a famous Irish politician. He was the Mayor of Galway 1637-1638 and died in 1642. He was the son of Sir Valentine Blake, 1st Baronet of Menlo. He is also descendant of Richard Blake (aka Richard Caddell) and Richard was his 7x great grandfather. This group could be blended with the first one might think but when DNA mutations looks back a thousand years there can be markers that will designate different lines coming down from an ancient ancestor. A good project would be to look at the Galway Blake family and see how many descendant lines could be created using the family tree created by Martin Blake and I have entered it into Legacy and at some point I will do a discussion about Richard Blake (aka Richard Caddell) and insert it into the issue. 

Both of these lines trace back to Sir Valentine Blake of Menlo with the first group descending possibly from John Blake the fourth son as he was located at Towerhill. The second group descending from Sir Thomas Blake and he was the eldest son of Sir Valentine Blake and his heir.
This group has nine members. Only one actually traces back to Ireland; one from England; one from Scotland and the remainder record as unknown although two have the United States and one Canada. The one for England has Robert Blake of Calne Wiltshire as his ancestor but that group seems to reasonably be Group B-M253. Seven have given their furtherest back mutation as R-M269 and two have done further testing. Number 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 all test back to M269. Number 2 tested to FGC29424 and the way back is FGC29425, FGC29405, Z344, Z1, Z8, Z7, Z2, Z345, Z30, Z9, L48, Z381, U106,  P310, L51, L23, M269. As can be noted the last in common mutation with the Towerhill-Kiltolla is P310 which has an age estimate of greater than 2000 ybp. Both haplogroups subordinate to P310 (U106 and P312) are considered to be Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic groups from Central Europe. The U106 group is considered to be Proto-Germanic. Number 6 tested to FGC30219 and the way back is FGC30220, FGC30225, FGC30221, Z17817, S5982, S5979, Z17623, A7, S5668, L513, DF13, L21, Z290/Z260, P312, P310, L51, L23, M269. Compared with the Towerhill-Kiltolla, this sample tracks back to M269 in the same mutation line. The age of L21 said to be 4500 ypb and considered to be Atlantic Celtic.   

The comments on the ethnicity are from the Eupedia site: Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) - Eupedia
This is rather interesting and not being an expert on R haplogroup I can only collect information. It would appear though that Number 6 shares some ancestry in common with the Towerhill-Kiltolla group but the time interval is very large.

There are fifteen members of this group. All trace back to M269. Locations are variable with most listing Ireland as their place of origin, however Wales and England are also mentioned for two members and six are unknown although one person has listed the United States. Only three members have done further testing of their haplogroup. Members 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 have all tested to M269. Member 8 has tested to U152 and the way back is Z11, DF99, P312, P310, L51, L23, M269 again sharing the common ancient ancestry with the Towerhill-Kiltolla group but the time interval again is very large since the sharing halts at P312 with the age of P312 being thousands of years ago. Member 9 has tested to FT19077 and the way back is BY64262, S27573, FGC11358, S5488, DF21, DF13, L21, Z290, P312, L151, P310, L51, L23, M269. Once again a similar path back thousands of years ago shared with the Towerhill-Kiltolla group. Numbers 9, 10 and 11 have only tested to M269. Number 12 has tested to FT50249 and the way back is BY11436, BY9596, BY9595, FGC5780, FGC3899, DF5, DF25, CTS8704, DF21, L21, Z290, P312, L151, P310, L51, L23, M269. The ancestor of this individual is said to be Arthur Blake and the next two members of this group also are listed as tracing back to Arthur Blake and have tested to M269. Again this set of mutations takes us back to the Towerhill-Kiltolla group in the deep past. Arthur was born in Dublin Ireland and was the son of a John Blake. Nothing further is known at this time. 

This group has four members and one has stated his ancient ancestor as Humphrey Blake of Plainfield, Somerset. All members have only tested to R-M269. There has always been a thought in the Somerset Blake family that they are descendant of the Calne Blake family. The group I-M253 above also believes they are descendant of the Calne Blake family. The Pedigree Charts that exist for the Blake family do appear to point to an ancient ancestor Richard le Blak and I have introduced the thought that this man was from Rouen, Normandy coming to England to be involved in the Wool Market Trade arriving around 1274. Certainly more descendants of the known Somerset Blake family do need to test to give a clearer picture of the Blake family descendant of Humphrey Blake of Plainfield. Horatio Gates Somerby also tied the Somerset Blake family to the Andover, Hampshire Blake family but again my own line of I-P37 does have a stronger claim plus the information used by Horatio Gates Somerby was a fiction and that has been discussed by me several times. Learning more about the Somerset Blake family has long been an interest of mine. 

This particular group emerged with the testing done by several different people and a very interested genealogist who was able to place himself and one other member into a known English line that lived in Dorset/Wiltshire area. Since none have done deep ancestry testing the age of this group is unknown although definitely pre 1723. There are four members in this group with three listing their country of origin as England and one unknown. The value of the alleles do correspond to the Somerset family in the first 37 markers but are not closely related. Deep clade testing might be interesting for both of these groups. Again all members have only tested to M269. 

This is a singleton group with ancestry back to Clan Colla according to the name of the group. The one member has tested to BY23867 and the way back is FT3715, Z16270, Z3000, F24434, Z16267, DF21, L21, Z290, P312, L151, P310, L51, L23, M269. Interesting that this one too is similar to the Towerhill and Kiltolla group but again we are looking at a commonality from L21 back so thousands of years. This individual states that he is Irish. 

I set this group up a number of years ago and the gentleman has since passed away giving me an extensive genealogical tree of his family in Suffolk. He tested to M269 and so belongs to this extensive group. Comparing him to the Norfolk Blake family they are an entirely different group. I remember John saying to me that he was surprised to see that he was so different from the Swaffham Norfolk Blake group even though he had traced his line back into the 1400s in Suffolk. That was six years ago that we last had an email conversation. 

This completes the M269 groups. I begin the second set of R groups and this particular one belongs to the Swaffham Norfolk Blake family. 

There are 11 members in this group.  Six members have tested to M198. Three members have tested to M512. Two members have tested to M173. This haplogroup formed 14,400 ypb and, in general, members are in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe (including Russia), Central Asia and Russia/Siberia. M198 and M512 are basically the same marker. Members 3 and 4 have tested to M173 and that simply denotes them as R1 as M198/M512 are further down from M173. M198/M512 are dated around 5,800 ybp. All members believe they are descendant of the Swaffham Blake family of Norfolk. All of the members are from the United States or Canada. The Blake family at Swaffham has deep roots in Norfolk. A Jasper Blake was born circa 1614 in Wimbotsham, Norfolk. It is believed by this group that they are descendant of Jasper Blake. There is a Jasper Blake buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States. No descendants of this family in England have tested and joined the Blake project at this time.

One member in Unknown at the moment also tests back to M198 but has tested to YP5320 and the way back is YP943, S2857, S2856, L664, CTS4385, M417, M198. The location given for his furtherest back ancestor is not Norfolk although the date for this individual is circa 1590 – 1650. I am not actually sure where to place him. 

F – T
One member in this group and approximately 10% of native Europeans carry this haplogroup. The earlier administrator did have this group as having Africa/European roots. 

G – E
There are five members in this group. Members 1 and 5 have tested to E-M2. Members 2, 3, and 4 have tested to E-M35 and the way back is L796, M215, P2, L499, P147, M96. The ancestor of one member of E-M35 is from Somerset, England. 

E-M2 is found in Western Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa and the African Great Lakes. Using Wikipedia as a reference the clade has been observed among populations in southern Europe and in the Americas. E-M35 is thought to be about 34,600 ybp. 

H – G
One member in G haplogroup and he has tested to M201. The origin of this haplogroup is the Near East or Southeast Asia. Some have postulated that this particular haplogroup arrived in England with the Auxiliary Legions from the Roman Empire. It is a fairly ancient haplogroup thought to have arrived in Europe with the spread of farming from the Middle East.

I – R
This group was labeled German Ancestry by the earlier member of the group and there are three members. Member 1 has tested to U152 (traces back to M269). Member 2 has tested to DF99 and the way back is P312, P310, L51, L23, M269). Member 3 has tested to M198 (similar to group E). I did find it interesting that all members of the group are tracing the birth of their furtherest back ancestor as prior to 1849. I had not realized that the surname Blake was in Germany although the number of Blake emigrants listed in the 1330-1550 emigrant database coming from Europe exceeds 35 individuals in that time frame. 

Working with haplogroups outside of I and R is way out of my depth. Any help with these groups would be greatly appreciated and the same really for haplogroup R as my knowledge these days is mostly restricted to haplogroup I just because that is my father’s haplogroup. Any assistance with these groups, as mentioned, would be greatly appreciated. At 76 years of age my time working with this newsletter is probably limited and I may not report on the haplogroups again until Issue 1 next year.
I did not do any work on the group labeled as X-Blake ancestry not in direct line. Definitely that would be a group that members of this group would have to inform me if they wished to pursue being part of any of the other groups. 

3.    Andover, Hampshire, England, Parish Registers - Baptisms

Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.

Number    Surname    Forename    status    Fathers surname    Fathers forename    Mothers surname    Mothers forename    Year    Month    Day    Year    Month    Day    Details
4501    Palmor    Dorathy    daughter    Palmor    John            1668    October    5               
4502    Goodall    Mary    daughter    Goodall    William            1668    October    5               
4503    Sea__r    Richard    son    Sea__r    Richard            1668    October    6               
4504    Seagrove    Jane    daughter    Seagrove    Richard            1668    October    8               
4505    Medhust    Edward    son    Medhust    Edward            1668    October    8               
4506    Banks    Joseph    son    Banks    Allexsander            1668    October    14               
4507    Sutton    Elizabeth    daughter    Sutton    Josyas            1668    October    19               
4508    Cornelius    Judeth    daughter    Cornelius    George            1668    October    28               
4509    Salter    Jane    daughter    Salter    Jesper            1668    October    30               
4510    Gouldin    John    son    Gouldin    John            1668    November    8                senior
4511    Brexton    Rachaell    daughter    Brexton    William            1668    November    8               
4512    James    George    son    James    John            1668    November    9               
4513    Manfeild    Dorathy    daughter    Manfeild    Robert            1668    November    14               
4514    Kintin    Joane    daughter    Kintin    Richard            1668    November    16               
4515    Fromton    William    son    Fromton    James            1668    November    19               
4516    Wotkince            Wotkince    Samuell            1668    November    22               
4517    Hatchat    William    son    Hatchat    James            1668    November    24               
4518    Abbat    Jacob    son    Abbat    John            1668    November    24               
4519    Fellow    Abraham    son    Abraham    Thomas            1668    November    22               
4520    Kingsmell    William    son    Kingsmell    James            1668    December    6               
4521    Head    Joane    daughter    Head    Anthony            1668    December    16               
4522    Brice            Brice    Richard            1668    December    17               
4523    Hooper    John    son    Hooper    Edward            1668    December    26               
4524    Leatch    Richard    son    Leatch    Thomas            1668    January    8               
4525    Barloe    Peeter    son    Barloe    William            1668    January    12               
4526    Powling    Ann    daughter    Powling    Mr. John            1668    January    25                born 14 Jan 1668
4527    Fry    John    son    Fry    John            1668    January    23               
4528    Fry    Richard    son    Fry    John            1668    January    23               
4529    Orum    Dussabel    daughter    Orum    William            1668    January    26               
4530    Saith    Jane    daughter    Saith    William            1668    January    27               
4531    Beavice    Richard    son    Beavice    William            1668    February    1                of Woodhouse
4532    Cannons    John    son    Cannons    John            1668    February    3               
4533    Cannons    Thomas    son    Cannons    John            1668    February    3               
4534    Hunniwell    Richard    son    Hunniwell    Martaine            1668    February    3               
4535    Prickle    Thomas    son    Prickle    Thomas            1668    February    8               
4536    Beavice    Richard    son    Beavice    Thomas            1668    February    9                of Charlton
4537    Hulett    Elizabeth    daughter    Hulett    John            1668    February    9               
4538    Tappus    Richard    son    Tappus    Richard            1668    February    14                of Charlton
4539    Burnett    Richard    son    Burnett    John            1668    February    15               
4540    Mountaine    Ann    daughter    Mountaine    Richard            1668    February    13               
4541    Long    Richard    son    Long    Richard            1668    February    18               
4542    Baverstock    Nicholas    son    Baverstock    John            1668    February    24               
4543    Paine    Rabecka    daughter    Paine    Gilbord            1668    February    24               
4544    Scullard    Elizabeth    daughter    Scullard    Zakary            1668    February    24               
4545    Froud    Ann    daughter    Froud    Thomas            1668    February    4               
4546    Minchin    Robert    son    Minchin    Thomas            1668    March    2               
4547    Drewlie            Drewlie    John            1668    March    7               
4548    Foster    Elizabeth    daughter    Foster    Thomas            1668    March    7               
4549    Martaine    Mary    daughter    Martaine    Richard            1668    March    25               
4550    Long    Hennery    son    Long    William            1669    April    1               
4551    Thurman    Charles    son    Thurman alias Land    William            1669    April    15               
4552    Mountaine    Richard    son    Mountaine    Richard            1669    April    15               
4553    Hyat    Mary    daughter    Hyat    William            1669    April    15               
4554    Merrick    Jane    daughter    Merrick    George            1669    April    20               
4555    Blake    Sarah    daughter    Blake    Peeter            1669    April    24               
4556    Cleeve    William    son    Cleeve    Peeter            1669    April    25               
4557    Seagrove    George    son    Seagrove    John            1669    April    28               
4558    Bath    Robert    son    Bath    Robert            1669    April    29               
4559    Board    Sarah    daughter    Board    John            1669    May    6               
4560    Drew            Drew    Thomas            1669    May    6               
4561    Long    Ann    daughter    Long    John            1669    May    11               
4562    Croutch    Anthony    son    Croutch    Michaell            1669    May    12               
4563    Hunt    Elizabeth    daughter    Hunt    Edward            1669    May    12               
4564    Brice    Anne    daughter    Brice    Nathaniell            1669    May    14               
4565    Cooke    Elizabeth    daughter    Cooke    William            1669    May    20               
4566    Trewlove    Jane    daughter    Trewlove    Hennery            1669    May    20               
4567    Hobgood    George    son    Hobgood    William            1669    May    26               
4568    Midlin    George    son    Midlin    Michaell            1669    June    1               
4569    Norrice    Dorathy    daughter    Norrice    James            1669    June    13               
4570    Grace    William    son    Grace    Thomas            1669    June    14               
4571    Fuller    Hanna    daughter    Fuller    Roger            1669    June    15                of Foxcote
4572    Goddin            Goddin    Robert            1669    June    12               
4573    Bray            Bray    George            1669    June    12               
4574    Hampsheere    Mary    daughter    Hampsheere    William            1669    June    24               
4575    Rylance    John    son    Rylance    John            1669    June    27               
4576    Hopkince    John    son    Hopkince    Christopher            1669    June    28               
4577    Deane        son    Deane    Mr. John            1669    June    30               
4578    Chub    John    son    Chub    Ann            1669    July    3                bastard
4579    Tamage    Ann    daughter    Tamage    Edward            1669    July    11               
4580    Gray    Francis    son    Gray    Francis            1669    July    18                the  younger
4581    Noyse    Susanna    daughter    Noyse    Edward            1669    July    19                Foxcote
4582    Miles    John    son    Miles    John            1669    July    25                ____kly
4583    Bendall    Mary    daughter    Bendall    Robert            1669    July    25                of Woodhouse
4584    Waight    Joseph    son    Waight    John            1669    July    26               
4585    Webb    Nathaniell    son    Webb    Nathaniell            1669    July    26               
4586    Moring    John    son    Moring    Robert            1669    August    4               
4587    Carde    John    son    Carde    Martaine            1669    August    15               
4588    Francis    William or John    son    Francis    John            1669    August    15                of Charlton
4589    Deane    Sarah    daughter    Deane    William            1669    August    15               
4590    Whetley    Nicholas    son    Whetley    John            1669    August    16               
4591    Burger    Elizabeth    daughter    Burger    Hennery            1669    August    17               
4592    Foster    Sarah    daughter    Foster    James            1669    August    18               
4593    Croutch    William    son    Croutch    Mathew            1669    August    22               
4594    Gouldin    Meriam    daughter    Gouldin    William            1669    August    22               
4595    Broad    John    son    Broad    William            1669    August    24               
4596    Garrat    Robert    son    Garrat    Robert            1669    August    26               
4597    Churcher    Ann    daughter    Churcher    Robert            1669    September    1                of Woodhouse
4598    Miller    Barbarah    daughter    Miller    John            1669    September    14               
4599    Wescome    Robert    son    Wescome    Thomas            1669    September    18               
4600    Keate    Ellianor    daughter    Keate    John            1669    October    6               
4601    Bard    Joane    daughter    Bard    Robert            1669    October    6               
4602    Beare    Elizabeth    daughter    Beare    William            1669    October    6                of Charlton
4603    Hall    John    son    Hall    Richard            1669    October    6                of Hatherden
4604    Tarlton            Tarlton    Beniamen            1669    October    26               
4605    Pearce    Edward    son    Pearce    Andrew            1669    October    26               
4606    Garrat            Garrat    Robert            1669    October    25               
4607    Barber    Abraham    son    Barber    Peeter            1669    October    26               
4608    Ratty    Edward    son    Ratty    Edward            1669    November    7                of Charlton
4609    Pitman    Margeret    daughter    Pitman    Thomas            1669    November    11               
4610    Palmor    John    son    Palmor    John            1669    November    14               
4611    Juliance    William    son    Juliance    William            1669    November    15               
4612    Nap    Mary    daughter    Nap    William            1669    November    16               
4613    Painter    Jesper    son    Painter    Robert            1669    November    24                senior
4614    Kill    Thomas    son    Kill    Richard            1669    November    29               
4615    Grace    Robert    son    Grace    Robert            1669    November    29               
4616    Purde    Charitie    daughter    Purde    George            1669    December    2               
4617    Ratty    John    son    Ratty    Thomas            1669    December    19                junior, of Charlton
4618    Gill    Joane    daughter    Gill    John            1669    December    19               
4619    Goodall    John    son    Goodall    Francis            1669    December    20               
4620    Lively    Ann    daughter    Lively    John            1669    December    23                of Charlton
4621    Willmot    Thomas    son    Willmot    Jesper            1669    December    27               
4622    Prickle    John    son    Prickle    John            1669    December    28               
4623    Russell    William    son    Russell    Robert            1669    December    30               
4624    Eaten    Richard    son    Eaten    John            1669    January    2               
4625    Courteney    Elizabeth    daughter    Courteney    John            1669    January    8               
4626    Purde    Joseph    son    Purde    John            1669    January    9               
4627    Humphrey    Thomas    son    Humphrey    Robert            1669    January    19               
4628    Harfeild    John    son    Harfeild    Richard            1669    January    25               
4629    Frompton    Elizabeth    daughter    Frompton    Francis            1669    January    25               
4630    Waight    Elizabeth    daughter    Waight    Richard            1669    January    26               
4631    Waight    Dorathy    daughter    Waight    Richard            1669    January    26               
4632    Wells    Thomas    son    Wells    John            1669    February    4               
4633    Kingsmell    Joseph    son    Kingsmell    Mr. John            1669    February    13               
4634    Wimbolton    Joseph    son    Wimbolton    Mr. William            1669    February    16               
4635    Munday    William    son    Munday    Richard            1669    February    16               
4636    Cooke    Mary    daughter    Cooke    Richard            1669    February    24               
4637    Woller    Mary    daughter    Woller    William            1669    February    28               
4638    Ogborne    Christopher    son    Ogborne    Peeter            1669    February    28               
4639    Froud    William    son    Froud    Thomas            1669    March    1               
4640    Cooper    William    son    Cooper    William            1669    March    2               
4641    Meales    Jane    daughter    Meales    Thomas            1669    March    2               
4642    Jellef    Sarah    daughter    Jellef    Richard            1669    March    9                senior
4643    Tredgoule    Margeret    daughter    Tredgoule    Roger            1669    March    13                of Woodhouse
4644    Luenton    Thomas    son    Luenton    John            1669    March    13               
4645    Cooke    Richard                        1669    March    20               
4646    Stacie    Jane    daughter    Stacie    William            1669    March    21                of Charlton
4647    Butcher    Edward    son    Butcher    Edward            1670    March    29               
4648    Joanes    William    son    Joanes    Hennery            1670    April    5               
4649    Antrum    Amie    daughter    Antrum    William            1670    April    6               
4650    Baker    Richard    son    Baker    Richard            1670    April    7               
4651    Collince    John    son    Collince    William            1670    April    10                of Woodhouse
4652    Hampheere    Joane    daughter    Hampheere    Lanslat            1670    April    10               
4653    Dewe    John    son    Dewe    John            1670    April    12               
4654    Knightly            Knightly    Thomas            1670    April    18               
4655    Feilder    Mary    daughter    Feilder    Thomas            1670    May    5               
4656    Russell    Robert    son    Russell    Robert            1670    May    9               
4657    Butler    Dorathy    daughter    Butler    James            1670    May    10               
4658    Moring            Moring    Zidrake            1670    May    16               
4659    Cooke    John    son    Cooke    John            1670    May    17               
4660    Waterman    William    son    Waterman    Bridget        1670    May    22                Christopher the reputed father
4661    Deane    Amie    daughter    Deane    John            1670    May    23               
4662    Brice    Nathanell    son    Brice    Nathanell            1670    June    7               
4663    Doubty    Richard    son    Doubty    Robert            1670    June    14               
4664    Mearch    Mary    daughter    Mearch    Phillip            1670    June    19               
4665    White    John    son    White    John            1670    June    19                of Woodhouse
4666    Head    Thomas    son    Head    Anthony            1670    June    19               
4667    Sylance            Sylance    John            1670    June    21               
4668    Salter            Salter    Jesper            1670    June    26               
4669    Waineman    Richard    son    Waineman    Richard            1670    June    26                London
4670    Flitwood            Flitwood    William            1670    July    2               
4671    Goulding    Martha    daughter    Goulding    William            1670    July    3               
4672    Feilder    Robert    son    Feilder    William            1670    July    12                of Woodhouse
4673    Leggat    William    son    Leggat    William            1670    July    14                of Charlton
4674    Shevers    Nathanell    son    Shevers    Nathanall            1670    July    16               
4675    Goodall    Elizabeth    daughter    Goodall    Richard            1670    July    17                junior
4676    Dowling    John    son    Dowling    John            1670    July    21                of Charlton
4677    Goddin    Richard    son    Goddin    Robert            1670    July    27               
4678    Thurman    Nicholas    son    Thurman     William            1670    July    21                born Sunday m orning about 2 on the 17th of July
4679    Steares    Elizabeth    daughter    Steares    Anthony            1670    August    3               
4680    Cooper    Mary    daughter    Cooper    Edward            1670    August    4               
4681    Hulet    John    son    Hulet    John            1670    August    5               
4682    Hide    James    son    Hide    John            1670    September    8               
4683    Mackerell    William    son    Mackerell    Thomas            1670    October    9               
4684    Pearce    Richard    daughter    Pearce    Dorathy            1670    October    9               
4685    Whetland    Joseph    son    Whetland    John            1670    October    11               
4686    Rylance    Martha    daughter    Rylance    John            1670    October    11               
4687    Cartor    Ann    daughter    Cartor    Gyles            1670    October    17               
4688    Hayward    William    son    Hayward    Thomas            1670    October    19               
4689    Barwick    Dorathy    daughter    Barwick    William            1670    November    1               
4690    Abbut    Joseph    son    Abbut    John            1670    November    2               
4691    Noyse    Peeter    son    Noyse    Edward            1670    November    2                Esquire
4692    Emmett    Barnard    son    Emmett    Barnard            1670    November    3               
4693    Dounton    Ann    daughter    Dounton    Thomas            1670    November    4               
4694    Pearce    Merriam    daughter    Pearce    Francis            1670    November    7               
4695    Miller    Elizabeth    daughter    Miller    William            1670    November    9               
4696    Manfeild    Robert    son    Manfeild    Robert            1670    November    14                senior
4697    Grove    Mary    daughter    Grove    James            1670    November    17               
4698    Goddin    John    son    Goddin    George            1670    November    25               
4699    Banks    Jeane    daughter    Banks    Allexsander            1670    November    30               
4700    Hayward    Elizabeth    daughter    Hayward    Anthony            1670    December    5               
4701    Helliar    Richard    son    Helliar    Richard            1670    December    7                at Charlton
4702    Wayman    John    son    Wayman    John            1670    December    7               
4703    Shorte    Pall    son    Shorte    Pall            1670    December    12               
4704    Knight    Robert    son    Knight    Thomas            1670    December    12               
4705    Tomes    Margeret    daughter    Tomes    William            1670    December    13               
4706    Sutton    William    son    Sutton    Josyas            1670    January    2               
4707    Earle    Martha    daughter    Earle    Richard            1670    January    3               
4708    Hyat    Elizabeth    daughter    Hyat    Bartholome            1670    January    5               
4709    Leatch    Anstit    daughter    Leatch    Thomas            1670    January    12               
4710    Shepard    Mary    daughter    Shepard    John            1670    January    16               
4711    Beavis    Thomas    son    Beavis    Thomas            1670    January    29                of Woodhouse
4712    Tarlton    Beniaman    son    Tarlton    John            1670    February    16               
4713    Deane    William    son    Deane    William            1670    February    16               
4714    Hatchat    Mary    daughter    Hatchat    James            1670    February    19               
4715    Totwood    Bridgat    daughter    Totwood    George            1670    February    23               
4716    Servior    Elizabeth    daughter    Servior    Richard            1670    February    28               
4717    Spradgborough    John    son    Spradgborough    Thomas            1670    March    7               
4718    Hooper    Susanna    daughter    Hooper    Thomas            1670    March    9               
4719    Bath    Jethro    son    Bath    Robert            1670    March    12               
4720    James    John    son    James    Hugh            1670    March    13               
4721    Miller    Joane    daughter    Miller    widdow            1670    March    19               
4722    Grunsell    Jane    daughter    Grunsell    William            1670    March    19               
4723    Legget    Robert    son    Legget    Robert            1670    March    20               
4724    Brexton    Ann    daughter    Brexton    William            1670    March    20                of Woodhouse
4725    Long    George    son    Long    William            1671    March    26               
4726    Long    Roger    son    Long    John            1671    March    28               
4727    Worwood            Worwood    John            1671    March    30               
4728    Richeson    Freind    son    Richeson    Thomas            1671    April    5               
4729    Eaame    Nicholas    son    Eaame    Thomas            1671    April    10               
4730    Saith    Elizabeth    daughter    Saith    William            1671    April    12               
4731    Barwick    Joanna    daughter    Barwick    Thomas            1671    April    13               
4732    Hunniwell    Hennery    son    Hunniwell    Martaine            1671    April    14               
4733    Turner    Samuell    son    Turner    Anthony            1671    April    14               
4734    Munday    Mary    daughter    Munday    John            1671    April    30                of Charlton
4735    Plowman    Edward    son    Plowman    Thomas            1671    April    30                of Woodhouse
4736    Long    Martha    daughter    Long    Richard            1671    April    30               
4737    Russell    Thomas    son    Russell    Thomas            1671    May    10                junior
4738    Walker    Joane    daughter    Walker    Anthony            1671    May    11               
4739    Bramble    Jane    daughter    Bramble    Rubin            1671    May    14               
4740    Budgly    Richard    son    Budgly    Richard            1671    May    20               
4741    Dakince    Robert    son    Dakince    Robert            1671    May    22               
4742    Peirce    Sarah    daughter    Peirce    Richard            1671    May    22               
4743    Cowlie            Cowlie    John            1671    May    30               
4744    Hayward    Alce    daughter    Hayward    William            1671    June    3               
4745    Kingsmell    Ellenor    daughter    Kingsmell    Mr. John            1671    June    4               
4746    Pope            Pope    Roger            1671    June    10               
4747    Cooke    Abbigale    daughter    Cooke    William            1671    June    13               
4748    Hunt    Joseph    son    Hunt    Edward            1671    June    17               
4749    Munday    Robert    son    Munday    William            1671    June    17                of Charlton
4750    Merrick    John    son    Merrick    George            1671    June    27               
4751    Webb    John    son    Webb    Nathaniell            1671    June    27               
4752    Gibbince    John    son    Gibbince    Hennery            1671    July    2               
4753    Narpely    William    son    Narpely    Isack            1671    July    2               
4754    Foster    Mary    daughter    Foster    Richard            1671    July    9                of Charlton
4755    Blake    Robert    son    Blake    Richard            1671    July    11               
4756    Chard    Margaret    daughter    Chard    Edward            1671    July    11               
4757    Hatchet    Thomas    son    Hatchet    Thomas            1671    July    16               
4758    Phillpot    Gorge    son    Phillpot    Gorge            1671    July    17                of Henkly
4759    Cornellius    Joseph    son    Cornellius    George            1671    July    23               
4760    Tredgold    Sarah    daughter    Tredgold    John            1671    July    30               
4761    Swetapell    Margerit    daughter    Swetapell    John            1671    August    16               
4762    Copper    Michaell    son    Copper    William            1671    August    22               
4763    Pearce    An    daughter    Pearce    Andrw            1671    August    27               
4764    Bastin    John    son    Bastin    John            1671    September    5               
4765    Hobgood    John    son    Hobgood    William            1671    September    17               
4766    Knightling    Phebe    daughter    Knightling    Tobyas            1671    September    17               
4767    Meales    William    son    Meales    William            1671    September    23                of Woodhouse
4768    Waller    James    son    Waller    William            1671    September    30               
4769    Grunsell    Thomas    son    Grunsell    Richard            1671    October    3               
4770    Sylance    Sarah    daughter    Sylance    Edward            1671    October    22               
4771    Crouch    Judeth    daughter    Crouch    Michaell            1671    October    12               
4772    Tredgold    John    son    Tredgold    John            1671    October    29               
4773    Baverstoke    Thomas    son    Baverstoke    John            1671    November    21               
4774    Hobgood    Elizabeth    daughter    Hobgood    John            1671    November    23                of Hatherden
4775    Golding    John    son    Golding    John            1671    December    10                junior, of Woodhouse
4776    Pipper    Dorethy    daughter    Pipper    Joseph            1671    December    10               
4777    Noyse    Elizabeth    daughter    Noyse    Edward            1671    December    12                of Foxcote
4778    Overton    Ruth    daughter    Overton    John            1671    December    12               
4779    Ratty    Katherin    daughter    Ratty    Shadrach            1671    January    6               
4780    Purde    Gorge    son    Purde    Gorge            1671    January    3               
4781    Salter    Emblem    daughter    Salter    Josyas            1671    January    3               
4782    Foster    John    son    Foster    James            1671    January    9               
4783    Pearce    Susanna    daughter    Pearce    Thomas            1671    January    14               
4784    Lavender    Dorothy    daughter    Lavender    Thomas            1671    January    18               
4785    Harfeld    Phillip    son    Harfeld    Michaell            1671    January    28               
4786    Norrice    Isaacke    son    Norrice    Jeames            1671    January    28               
4787    Goodall    Elizabeth    daughter    Goodall    Francis            1671    January    28               
4788    Grove    Elliner    daughter    Grove    Jeames            1671    February    2               
4789    Treadgold    Robert    son    Treadgold    Roger            1671    February    4                of Woodhouse
4790    Fuller    Ann    daughter    Fuller    Roger            1671    February    6                of Foxcote
4791    Meller    Ann    daughter    Meller    Thomas            1671    February    11               
4792    Dowling    William    son    Dowling    John            1671    February    13                junior
4793    Painter    William    son    Painter    Robert            1671    February    13                senior
4794    Cheever    Daved    son    Cheever    Jonathan            1671    February    16               
4795    Earle    Richard    son    Earle    Richard            1671    February    16               
4796    Whetland    Prudence    daughter    Whetland    William            1671    February    16               
4797    Antrum    Sarah    daughter    Antrum    William            1671    February    22               
4798    Holdway    John    son    Holdway    Edward            1671    February    20               
4799    Wells    Richard    son    Wells    Andrew            1671    February    20               
4800    Fletwood    Jane    daughter    Fletwood    William            1671    February    25                           

4.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers    - marriages
I will publish the marriages for Blake in the Parish Registers of St Marys Andover. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for marriages begin in 1587 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Marriage Registers commenced in 1587

Number    Groom Surname    Groom Forename    Parish    Brides Surname    Brides Forename    Parish    Grooms Father    Brides Father    Year    Month    Day    Details
1101    Flood    William        Foster    Anne                1683    September    24    at Foxcott
1102    Channell    Ralph        Gilmor    Dorothy                1683    September    26    by license
1103    Apletone    James        Savage    Ellen                1683    October    2   
1104    Fay    David    Penton Mewsey    Godfry    Jone    Penton Mewsey            1683    October    8    by license
1105    Gale    Edward    Shodsden    Cooke    Anne    Ludgershall            1683    October    11    by license
1106    Pearce    Andrew        Emmott    Mary                1683    October    21   
1107    Wheatland    Nicholas        Bray    Elizabeth                1683    November    1   
1108    Tredgoll    Richard        Harris    Elizabeth                1683    December    23   
1109    Evans    Henery        Flood    Anne                1683    December    26   
1110    Fellow    Robert    Whitchurch    Lane    Anne    Whitchurch            1683    December    27    at Foxcott
1111    Rutter    Robert        Hunywell    Martha                1683    December    27   
1112    Camber    William    F__land    Hobbs    Elizabeth                1683    January    1    by license
1113    Hill    John    Great Bedwiy, Wiltshire    Read    Joanna    Great Bedwiy, Wiltshire            1683    January    8    by license
1114    Laishly    Peter        Pricto    Jone                1683    January    11   
1115    Flood    Robert        Whitly    Sarah                1683    January    24   
1116    Jeffery    Thomas        Jans    Mary                1683    January    24    by license
1117    Goodall    Elias        Framtan    Mary                1683    January    29   
1118    House    Ezekell    Little Ann    Hust    Barbara    Little Ann            1683    January    30    by licence at Foxcott
1119    Drewly    Thomas        Coventry    Jane    Upper Clatford            1683    February    10   
1120    Cornelius    Henry        Jowles    Mary                1683    February    11   
1121    Sweetapple    William        James    Mary                1683    February    12    at Foxcott
1122    Tayler    William        By    Philadelphia    Winton            1683    March    10    by licence
1123    Woollman    William        Edwards    Anne                1684    March    31   
1124    Bunny    Benjamin        Hopkins    Martha                1684    April    3   
1125    Restbridge    John    Buxcleer    Southy    Jane    Droerthy, Waltte            1684    April    8   
1126    Smith    John    ___lesher    Bleach    Anne    Laverstock and Ford, Wiltshire            1684           
1127    Flood    Robert        Scriven    Mary                1684    May    6    the elder
1128    Bray    George        Farre    Jone                1684    May    19    the younger
1129    Banstable    George        Baker    Ellen                1684    May    20   
1130    Austin alias Drew    William        Gaige    Katherin                1684    May    23   
1131    King    Richard    East Cholderton    Smith    Anis    East Cholderton            1684    June    15   
1132    Hunt    William        Stacey    Anne                1684    June    22   
1133    Norrice    Henry        Winkworth    Anne                1684    July    1   
1134    Fuller    Nicholas        Churcher    Abigail                1684    July    21   
1135    Steell    John    Ashmansworth    Hawkins    Sarah    Ashmansworth            1684    July    23   
1136    Jones    Joseph    ?    Foster    Ellanor    Broughton            1684    September    16   
1137    Hartland    John    Chard, Somerset    Meriot    Amy                1684    September    29   
1138    Potter    Francis    Hoddineton, Oxford    Williams    Susana    Aexern, Hampshire            1684    September    29   
1139    Hayword    John        Stockley    Jone                1684    November    6   
1140    Miller    Thomas        Penton    Alice                1684    November    7   
1141    Hapgood    John        Peek    Mary                1684    November    11   
1142    Barnat    `Robert    Barton Stacy    Channell    Mary                1684    December    7   
1143    Sceat    Henry    Barton Stacy    Taphurst    Margaret                1684    December    25   
1144    Broad    Edward        Gray    Elizabeth                1684    December    25   
1145    Sturgis    John        Mersh    Anne    Broughton            1684    December    30   
1146    Acton    John    Stapleford, Wiltshire    Hewman    Anne                1684    January    1   
1147    Barton    Stephen        Wimbleton    Mrs. Christian                1684    January    6   
1148    Stovee    Robert    _____she__    Jeffery alias Cooke    Jone    ___she__            1684    February    8   
1149    Vicaridge    Mr. Robert    Portsmouth    Holmes    Mrs. Christian                1684    February    24    at Foxcott
1150    Tayler    Thomas        Whiteman    Joan                1684    March    2   
1151    Whinkmore    John        Knowles    Elizabeth                1685    March    30   
1152    Coley    John        Burges    Mary                1685    April    13   
1153    Dowling    Phillip        Munday    Jane                1685    April    20   
1154    Staniford    John        Gold    Katherin                1685    April    23   
1155    Goddard    John        Tarrant    Katherin                1685    April    30   
1156    Gover    Robert        Godden    Mary                1685    May    10   
1157    Woodman    Richard        Russell    Elizabeth                1685    May    28   
1158    Westcoat    John        Benham    Elizabeth                1685    June    1   
1159    Marriner    Joseph    Barton Stacy    Scullard    Mary                1685    June    23   
1160    Holland    Henry        Clarke    Margaret                1685    July    20   
1161    Bath    Samuel        Minchin    Sarah                1685    August    17   
1162    Auston    Edward        Cox    Ellen                1685    August    20   
1163    Hyliar    John    Hustborne Tarrant    Waterman    Mary    Hustborne Tarrant            1685    August    31   
1164    Mersh    Henry    Hustborne Tarrant    Hidden    Margery                1685    September    20   
1165    Francis    William    Kingscleer    Mallard    Elizabeth                1685    September    29   
1166    Prince    Richard    Long Parish    Leach    Edith    Long Parish            1685    September    29   
1167    Wilkins    Thomas    Buttermere    Humber    Jone    Buttermere            1685    September    29   
1168    Batchelor    Moses    ___lin, Wiltshire    Edmons    Margaret    Romsey            1685    October    1   
1169    Newman    Walter    Winterslow, Wiltshire    Powell    Elizabeth    Appleshewe            1685    October    3   
1170    Warham    Edward        Lydiard    Anne                1685    October    4   
1171    Barber    William        Marriner    Mary                1685    October    8    at Foxcott
1172    Coale    Roger    St Mary Bourne    Browne    Susanna    Hustborne Tarrant            1685    October    12   
1173    Banks    Geoffery        Parsons    Judith                1685    October    12   
1174    Soaper    Richard        Figgus    Lydia                1685    October    20   
1175    Horne alias ___ine    William    Hustborne Tarrant    Bemann    Martha                1685    October    27    at Foxcott
1176    Edwards    Richard        Blanchard    Mary                1685    November    2   
1177    Portsmouth    William        Gale    Jone                1685    November    3   
1178    Fleetwood    John        Bunny    Dorothy                1685    November    10   
1179    Russell    Roger        Gale    Elizabeth                1685    November    16   
1180    Vere    Richard        Munday    Mary                1685    November    22   
1181    Sutten    Luke    Chilbolton    Sheppard    Mary    Chilbolton            1685    November    24   
1182    Purchall    Nicholas    Tangly    Holdway    Elizabeth    Ashmansworth            1685    November    24   
1183    Farenden    Benjamin        Daniel    Elizabeth                1685    December    14    at Foxcott
1184    Lewenden    Thomas        Sheppard    Elizabeth                1685    December    27   
1185    Whatly    Thomas        Palmor    Ursulla                1685    December    28   
1186    Grace    James        Salmon    Sarah                1685    January    12   
1187    Philpot alias Purivor    John        Manfield    Anne                1685    January    23   
1188    Griffin    William        Dauby    Hannah                1685    January    26   
1189    Harris    Christopher    Ringwood    Beamont    Christian    Longparish            1685    January    27   
1190    Saxon    WilliamBuckland        Bird    Mary                1685    February    2    widow
1191    Oaky    William    Pewsey    Cooke    Mary                1685    March    2    at Foxcott
1192    Dyaper    William        Daukins    Mary                1685    March    15   
1193    Braxton    John        Shipton    Elizabeth                1686    April    13   
1194    Sayward    Robert        Judde    Ruth                1686    May    6   
1195    Collins    John    Thrapson    Haukins    Magdallen                1686    May    8   
1196    Whitcher    John        Crocker    Elizabeth                1686    May    16   
1197    Parker    Walter        Mansbridge    Jone                1686    May    2   
1198    Hulate    John        Feltham    Mary                1686    June    23   
1199    Grigory    John        Drewly    Jone                1686    July    11   
1200    Hylliar    John        Marshall    Katherin                1686    July    14   
1201    Short    Paul        Goodall    Mary                1686    July    22   
1202    Scullard    Zacharias        Ruddle    Margaret                1686    July    25   
1203    Hunt    John    Upper clatford    Beales    Mary    Upper Clatford            1686    July    31    at Foxcott
1204    Harfield    Michaell        May    Hester    London            1686    August    3   
1205    White    Mr. William        Barwick    Joanna                1686    August    9   
1206    Grace    John        Hobbs    Elinor                1686    August    9   
1207    Green    John        Burrat    Lydia                1686    August    17   
1208    Russell    Thomas        Newell    Anne                1686    August    22   
1209    Wheatly    Richard        Mundy    Anne                1686    August    25   
1210    Joules    Nicholas        Rosdell    Elizabeth                1686    September    5   
1211    Fuller    Abel        Gaige    Martha                1686    September    5   
1212    Sutton    John        Heath    Jone    Stockford            1686    September    29   
1213    Luffe    Thomas        Hunt    Katherin    Malborough, Wiltshire            1686    September    29   
1214    Rorchord    Robert        Sceat    Elizabeth    Frinock            1686    September    30   
1215    Thorne    Richard        Head    Anne    Great Beding, Wiltshire            1686    September    30   
1216    Cooper    Robert        Scodsden    Anne                1686    October    3   
1217    Dawby    William    Abbots Ann    Harris    Martha    Wherewell            1686    November    1   
1218    Geoffery    John    Tangly    Gale    Anne                1686    November    15   
1219    Ratty    Edmund    St Mary Bourne    Carter    Jone    St Mary Bourn            1686    November    16   
1220    French    Robert        Salmon    Elizabeth                1686    November    22   
1221    Powell alias Durnford    Thomas    Barton Stacy    Leggatt    Mary                1686    December    5   
1222    Phillis    Thomas    Eggbury,  St Mary Bourne    Keen    Anne    MirMist, Amport            1686    January    10   
1223    Hide    Charles        Titcom    Elizabeth                1686    January    16   
1224    Spannel    Edward        Asheridge    Jone    Winson            1686    January    26   
1225    Nayle    John    Upton    Nalder    Amy    Hustborne Tarrant            1686    January    29   
1226    Munday    William        Bear    Mary                1686    February    2   
1227    Morrant    Thomas        Godden    Jone                1686    February    2   
1228    Hylliar    John    Beeching Stoake, Wiltshire    Hyliar    Anne    Beeching Stoake            1686    February    7   
1229    Ivy    John    Appleshew    Tull    Jane    Upper Collingbourne            1686    March    12   
1230    Hawkins    Edward        Crowder    Jone                1687    March    29   
1231    Peck    John        Way    Jone                1687    March    28   
1232    Griffin    John        Miller    Anne                1687    March    28   
1233    Baker    William        Markes    Susanna    Weeke            1687    April    4   
1234    Dunstar    Henry        Gover    Mary                1687    April    6   
1235    Parsons    Robert    South Tidworth    Bayly    Jane    North Tidworth            1687    April    6   
1236    Blandy    Stephen     Little Basing    Stevens    Mary    Ashmansworth            1687    May    21   
1237    Hatchard    Jonathan    Goodworth Clatford    Ritchiner    Mary                1687    May    31   
1238    Speering    Thomas        Piper    Piper                1687    June    6   
1239    Purdy    John        Miller    Mary                1687    June    20   
1240    Cook    Charles        Bath    Katherin                1687    June    25   
1241    Sutten    George        Smith    Jane                1687    July    4   
1242    Clapshaw    John        Crockford    Mary    Hatford, Berkshire            1687    July    21   
1243    Wayt    Richard    ___ford    Gray    Mary    ___ford            1687    July    28   
1244    Biggs    Richard    Burbage, WIL    Scarlett    Dorohy    Burbage, WIL            1687    July    30   
1245    Betteridge    Jonathan    West Tythyely    Hayter    Jone    Broughton            1687    July    31   
1246    Humphry    Andrew        Salmon    Jone                1687    August    8   
1247    Coler    Richard    Broughton    Haughted    Elizabeth    Haughton            1687    August    8   
1248    Butcher    Edward        Flood    Mary                1687    August    12   
1249    Miller    Thomas        Hall    Anne                1687    August    18   
1250    Neale    John        Cooke    Mary                1687    August    22   
1251    Huse    James    Wherwell    Lewis    Jane    Chilbolton            1687    August    27   
1252    Blake    Charles        Framtan    Jane                1687    September    2   
1253    Poor    Thomas    Lockford    Goddard    Alice    Fullarton            1687    September    3   
1254    Moor    John    Thrapson    Beales    Winifred    Thrapson            1687    November    15    married at Foxcott
1255    Bele    Robert    Winton    King    Elizabeth                1687    December    27   
1256    Segrove    John        Cooke    Elizabeth                1687    December    27   
1257    Burroughs    Simon    Burclear    Dudmand    Mary    Burclear            1687    December    29   
1258    Smale    Robert        Paige    Jone                1687    January    8   
1259    Butcher    William        Cooper    Judith                1687    January    31   
1260    Hust    Roger        Cooper    Alice                1687    February    2   
1261    Knightling    John        Miller    Anne                1687    February    2   
1262    Morrant    Matthew        Drayten    Mary                1687    February    2   
1263    Golding    Richard        Kent    Jone                1687    February    2   
1264    Woollman    Willliam        Blanchard    Elinor                1688    April    15   
1265    Bunney    Robert        Webbe    Susanna                1688    April    16   
1266    Biggs    George        Early    Bridgett                1688    May       
1267    Tomson    John        Reavers    Mary                1688    May       
1268    Hooper    John        Sutton    Elizabeth                1688    May       
1269    Pike    Edward    Collingbourn Kingston, Wiltshire    Philpot alias Purvior    Mary                1688    May    28   
1270    New    Andrew        Gardner    Susan                1688    June    4   
1271    Simmons alias Elis    Robert        Humfry    Sarah                1688    June    4   
1272    Salmon    Peter        Paynter    Katherine                1688    July    17   
1273    Gaige    Paul        Cleve    Jone                1688    July    22   
1274    Holmes    Thomas        Sansbury    Elizabeth                1688    July    23   
1275    Harfield    Michaell        Watts    Barbara                1688    July    30   
1276    Fuller    Richard        Fuller    Sarah                1688    August    2   
1277    Lambert    Edward    Boyton, WIL    Blake    Mrs. Sarah                1688    September    11    married at Foxcott
1278    Drewly    James        Munday    Jane                1688    September    16   
1279    Hawkins    James        Vere    Jone                1688    September    16   
1280    Spring    John        Hawkins    Mary                1688    September    30   
1281    Holdway    William        Munday    Mary                1688    September    30   
1282    Oates    Richard        Cary    Elizabeth                1688    September    30   
1283    Hatchett    John        Hatchar    Elizabeth                1688    October    2    junior
1284    Bishop    John        Blake    Elizabeth                1688    October    2   
1285    Drewly    John        Turner    Elizabeth                1688    October    9   
1286    Seagrove    John        Hide    Frances                1688    October    14   
1287    Nichols    Thomas        Bolling    Thomasin    Collingborn            1688    November    10   
1288    Rutter    Stephen        Chandler    Mary    Russell            1688    November    30   
1289    Colly    William        Peek    Elizabeth                1688    December    27   
1290    James    John        Comaplin    Mary                1688    January    31   
1291    Shorear    Peter        Cowdry    Jone                1688    February    4   
1292    Rutter    Thomas        Figgus    Elizabeth                1688    February    10   
1293    Payne    George        Goodall    Mary                1688    February    10   
1294    Leake    John        Wheeler    Sarah                1688    February    12   
1295    Allen    William        Weston    Mary                1688    February    30   
1296    Stone    John    Hotten    Moudy    Anne    Borington            1688    March    5   
1297    Rolph    Edmund        Moore    Martha                1688    March    19   
1298    Dean    John        Tarlton    Anne                1689    April    2   
1299    Head    Anthony        Figgus    Elizabeth                1689    April    2   
1300    Paynter    Robert        White    Emblem                1689    April    11   
1301    Wheatland    William        Drayton    Rebeca                1689    April    12   
1302    Reinold    Daniell        Hooper    Mary                1689    April    13   
1303    Smith    John        Philpot alias Purvior    Clemens                1689    April    17   
1304    Cornelius    George        Andrews    Jone                1689    April    22    senior
1305    Perfitt    Noah        Wissam    Alice                1689    April    24   
1306    Walters    John        Ren    Hannah                1689    May    20   
1307    Scullard    Zacharias        Rumbold    Elizabeth                1689    May    20   
1308    Westcott    William        Munday    Elizabeth                1689    May    23   
1309    Walker    Anthony        Sheppard    Jone                1689    July    3   
1310    Mills    Samuel        Mills    Elizabeth                1689    September    7   
1311    Wilmott    Thomas        Pappatt    Anne                1689    September    7   
1312    Vere    John        Duffin    Elizabeth                1689    September    7   
1313    Plowman    William        Hedges    Jone                1689    September    23   
1314    Woodman    Richard        Emmott    Elinor                1689    September    27   
1315    Dyet    John        Paynter    Sarah    Sarum            1689    September    27   
1316    Parsons    William    North Tedworth    Moudy    Mary    South Tidworth            1689    September    30   
1317    Leach    Thomas        Abbott                    1689    September    30   
1318    Holmes    Charles        Cannon    Mary    Husborn Pryor            1689    October    5   
1319    Munday    John        Wheeler    Katherin                1689    October    6   
1320    Way    Thomas        Knowles    Elinor                1689    November    25   
1321    Clark    Thomas    Thrapson    Silverthorn    Anne    Thrapson            1689    November    30   
1322    Milles    Peter        Annattes    Anne                1689    December    12   
1323    Talmaldge    Edward        Salmon    Jane                1689    December    12   
1324    Salmon    William        Talmadge    Mary                1689    December    16   
1325    Tanner    William        Gold    Mary                1689    December    22   
1326    Bray    John        Biffon    Hester                1689    December    24   
1327    Poor    Richard    Abbots Ann    Warham    Mary    Longparish            1689    January    2   
1328    Leach    Thomas        C_____    Mary                1689    January    20   
1329    Broad    Charles        Waight    Elizabeth                1689    January    21   
1330    Hall    Robert            Frances                1689    January       
1331    Spring    Richard        Watkins    Jone                1689    February    11   
1332    Smith    Mr. William    Newport    Collsell    Christian                1689    February    24    widow
1333    Hapgood    John    Ham    Bunch    Mary    Henly, parish of Buttermeer            1689    March    12   
1334    Dear    Charles    Collingbourn Kingston, Wiltshire    Fay    Anne    Collingborn            1690    April    1   
1335    Durnford    Andrew        Lancaster    Mary                1690    April    1   
1336    Knowles    William        Cooke    Mary                1690    April    20   
1337    Route    Thomas        Saith    Jane                1690    April    20   
1338    Dawby    Benjamin    Whitchurch    Gantlett    Mary    Whitchurch            1690    April    22   
1339    Goodall    Richard        Meales    Jone                1690    April    22    junior
1340    Sheppard    Nicholas    Beauly    Goodall    Elizabeth                1690    April    29   
1341    Smith    William        Marshall    Mrs. Anne                1690    May    1   
1342    Smith    Hugh        Ratty    Katherin                1690    May    12   
1343    Sceat    Trustram    Munks Anne    Elsly    Jane    Barton Stacy            1690    May    11   
1344    Castleman    Charles        Wheatland    Elizabeth                1690    June    8   
1345    Richenson    Thomas        Noys    Gartright                1690    June    8   
1346    Walter    Joseph    Winchester    Waterman    Elizabeth                1690    June    11   
1347    Francis    John        Bear    Sarah                1690    June    29   
1348    Bull    John        Qickering    Jone    Barton Stacy            1690    June    30   
1349    Cooper    Alexander        Golding    Abigail                1690    July    13   
1350    Cooke    Richard        Jelliffe    Dorothy                1690    August    13   

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp for the 1st July 2022 issue by the middle of June 2022.

Elizabeth Kipp, kippeeb@rogers.com
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe
Blog: http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/

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