Thursday, June 9, 2022

Looks like rain today

Cut the front lawn yesterday but probably rain again today. The back lawn is getting long but we appear to have a colony of rabbits nearby and they have been feeding on the live grass seed. Cutting that may wait a couple more days. 

Although I had thought I would take a course in working with Autism in Children to help my grandson my daughter has convinced me that what he most needs is a grandmother not another specialist and so I am being a grandmother - listening and helping when he asks and suggesting when frustration sometimes comes to him. He is growing up quickly our baby now in this post Pandemic period. For two years we just stood still not realizing that we were in a watershed moment until it was past and now it was like eons ago when the world was pre-COVID. Life has changed for all of us. 

But mostly life has changed for the people of Ukraine. I was surprised to hear President Zelenskyy say that it is difficult to tell the collaborators in his society.  To be honest I can scarcely believe that anyone who lived in Ukrainian; breathed the same air as Ukrainians; was raised as Ukrainian could possibly collaborate with the war mongering, greedy, land grabbing, thieving, assaulting Russians but he did say that. Some people in every society are just like that - greedy but the rest hard to believe really. Ukraine will never give up until they get their land back likely but it will be clandestine like the Taliban. We can learn a lot from the Taliban on some of the ways of life. But peace is needed in our world and we will shun the Russians for a long time unless they do something about the Nazis in their midst (and separate themselves from Nazis so that we can tell the difference because at the moment all Russians look like Nazis)! Nazis can never be trusted; they will turn on anyone if they have something they want. Putin is just like Hitler; smiling and acting as if he has a right to do what he is doing. We all know what happened to Hitler.

Off to the dentist today for a little work. In many ways I can see the value in having all your teeth out and just never have to go to see a dentist again but my teeth for the most part are serving me very well although I have arthritis in my jaw these days but having the teeth out doesn't alter that!

Last night we emptied another two metal stands in the basement so now the centre of the room is clear - what a treat after fourty years. I love open spaces in a house and gradually, slowly all of that accumulation of fifty four and a half years is going either to Salvation Army or to people I know who want it or just put out to the front and people take it away (hoping that the metal racks will go that way actually or else we will have to dismantle them). Then of course some does go regretfully to the dump like the other day. There just wasn't anywhere else for it. But the majority of it was metal and that does get recycled by the dump. Edward would never have wanted to downsize his possessions; although he knew that we needed to move he never really wanted to do that. Although he said it sometimes.

We are going to put down the excess laminate boxes on the basement floor. When we have exhausted all of that excess then we will watch for sales and gradually do the basement floor (with a thin cork underlay) back to just in front of the furnace (that is about half of the basement. Perhaps in time we can do all of the one side and just have the furnace and laundry area separate. We use the area we are thinking of flooring for our exercise room with a treadmill, exercise bike, weights, yoga mats, television for exercise programs being the main part of the furniture down there. There are also a couple of large toy boxes which are gradually becoming emptier as either my grandsons take them home or we give them away to Salvation Army. 

The next item to come out is the large workbench which we want to put in the shed as a holder for items. Once out then the room is pretty set for the furniture that remains and the back part tends towards storage with two metal racks (yes we did have seven of those metal racks). It was like a library of tools instead of books very neatly arranged. There were also ten bookcases down there but a lot of those books Edward took to FLAC whilst he was sorting for them (later I joined him and we continued taking a couple of bags each week). We had quite a collection numbering in the thousands and thousands. We collected quite a number at farm auctions back in the 60s and 70s - really quite nice books but there were just too many books. Our youngest child when she was six asked if we lived in a library which I always thought was rather cute actually. 



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