Friday, June 10, 2022

What is Putin forgetting?

Putin is remembering the deep past very well but we all made a pact at the end of the Second World War to draw boundaries and keep to them unless there was an appeal to the United Nations and any border changes would be decided there. This pact far outweighs anything done hundreds of years ago when imperialism was a way of life and it was the way of life right into the twentieth century until the end of the Second World War. We needed boundaries so that we could say that this country was an aggressor nation and Russia now fits that example - they have militarily intruded into a sovereign nation's space. Albeit the breakdown of the Soviet Union happened in the 1990s but using the same principle as after the Second World War when borders had been over-run countries established themselves and we respected those countries and helped them along just as the countries had been helped after the Second World War. 

The Soviet Union was bankrupt; the Soviet Union did not respect the enslaved peoples within their borders treating them like second class citizens or worse; there were no freedoms but with the breakdown of the Soviet Union countries that had existed could exist again and so they have including Russia. Russia had a beautiful opportunity to become the great nation that Peter the Great envisaged - he envisioned a detente with Europe. Ukraine has a right to exist - they call themselves Ukrainians and there are fourty four million of them; more than enough to prove that they are a sovereign country. 

So get out of Ukraine; stop murdering people; stop pillaging and assaulting people; stop stealing property and stop bombing and destroying property. If people want to belong to Russia then they can; they can always return to Russia if they feel they are Russian but when they do not represent the overall population of a country then they have to go with the majority rule that way there aren't dissidents always trying to break up a country and disturb the peace of the world. 

Peace at any cost is not peace; peace gained by discussion is interesting but the rights of a sovereign nation will always be respected and countries that are sucking up to Russia should think about how Hitler and his Nazis treated everyone that wasn't pure like them (and that meant pure Aryan). Remember the pact between Hitler and Stalin. Nazis respected no treaties or agreements or pacts; they respected no borders and they were constantly thieving from every country that they smashed into. Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord and I await the revenge that Russia will eventually pay for their wrongdoings. Putin is Hitler all over again with his same Nazi type enablers.

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