Friday, June 10, 2022

What it is to be 76 years of age

 I still marvel somewhat at being 76 nearly 77 now. Having osteo-arthritis (I think in pretty much every bone in my body!) though does make me very aware of my age. At the moment I have tendonitis in one foot and I am thinking of therapy on that foot. Will have to investigate to see what I have to do to acquire that care. I do so like to run and it does impede that at the moment. I think that is the way of old age - items just crop up one after another as we grow older and older. I still have arthritis in my jaw and going to the dentist for a bit of work was somewhat taking the recovery from arthritis in the jaw so will have to work away at that joint as well. I can remember my grandmother at this age talking about joint pain and my saying that is perhaps the joy of old age and now I am there!

The hard work continues although this restorative gardening is a good idea I must say. The bunnies are loving the long grass which has gone to seed and are leaving the tiny little vegetable plants alone. We will see how that progresses. It isn't quite as sharp and beautiful but it looks healthy and I do love the Canadian May Apple flower - I have let them spread in one spot. Wildflowers can be most interesting and along side cultivated flowers provide a change to the eyes. 

Looks like rain again today and the garden is growing quickly. The lawns are so green and healthy looking. All the transplanted raspberry canes are growing. The elderberry plants that we transplanted are also doing very well. It is all new growth now as the old plants all died out. 

Worked on the Blake Newsletter yesterday and will continue with that today. 

I have decided I like the Chinese custom of having a family burial site at the home so that one can easily visit with one's deceased family members however we will of course follow the Canadian custom of burial. But it is a comforting thought to have.  

A new match on My Heritage goes back to my 3x great grandparents Thomas Blake and his wife Sarah Coleman - the new match descends from the oldest son William and I descend from the second son John. It is a nice sized match considering we are fourth cousins two times removed. This line has a number of Blake males into this fourth generation - perhaps one day one of them will test their y-DNA. I am always hopeful. It was on a chromosome which is common to this Blake family and cleanly separate from my endogamous/pedigree collapsing Knight family (Edward Blake, youngest son of John, married Maria Jane Knight). .

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