Monday, July 18, 2022

Work on closet completed

We completed the closet yesterday and it is a much more practical solution for storing as I work my way through Edward's research to make sure that all of his work was blogged. Edward had kept all of the papers that he used in his references in his thesis and yesterday we sorted out all of those items and they will be recycled. His thesis was most interesting (I typed it all those years ago) and he continued to be cited well into the early 2000s which is not unusual with initial work done in a particular field. I have not checked his citations lately. I think that gave him a good feeling to know that he had contributed to scientific endeavours. I do hope that in the hiring processes in our universities preference continues to be given to Canadian graduates although I also do agree that diversity is important and acquiring very knowledgeable people also interesting because it keeps the skill sets of departments at a high level but in general I strongly feel that at least 90% of hires at University should be Canadian born and educated. We put a lot of money into education and should support our own students first. 

Today I am thinking about his CD collection of music. It is very large and likely over 600 CDs in total collected through the years. He belonged to a Club as I recall although discontinued that not long after he retired. His interests lay elsewhere and genealogy demanded most of his time and purchases from 2004 on. Plus you could pay for music and download it online and he has a lot of that on his computer as well. I like music but not in the background all the time that I am working! I rather like silence. It is a wondrous thing as you can hear the songs of the birds and the wind whistling in the trees - those tend to be my favourite sounds these days when I am alone working. I begin to wonder if a Long Term Care Home would like these CDs and shall chat about that with my daughters since they do not want to have hundreds of CDs either. 

Other than that it is cleaning day and in between I shall work on the Pincombe Newsletter. Breakfast time and my favourite meal of the day.

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