Sunday, July 17, 2022

Working on the Research Boxes and creating an index

 We decided to clean out the large closet where Edward's research is stored and separate out material for the OGS Library, his Link-Rathburn cousin, material for the museum in Princeton (Ontario, his home town) and items for his niece. The big closet got a good scrubbing as well and we will reload it in a slightly different way moving a few items elsewhere. 

The entire day was spent doing that work plus we found a good sized box of items for Salvation Army (mostly picture frames and that type of item). We created a memory wall in 2015 with about fourty pictures and I will put the pictures back into the folders they were originally in. 

We will continue to work away at that today along with scanning of documents - one set is particularly strong smelling that Edward bought on e-bay so will get that photographed and put the originals in the garbage unless they appear to be historically significant but will see what we find. Edward was letting them air for the last six years but I think they smell about the same so time to move on from that material. It was from a Kipp descendant in the States and I suspect just trying to make a little money perhaps. 

A beautiful day today and a wonderful Sunday. It is warm and sunny with the promise of rain next week. Forest fires all over the world these days. It is in those intense fires that some plants regenerate from dormant seeds. It is a mystery our world. Prayers for those fighting these dangerous fires when they are in built up areas. Here in Canada we tend to let them burn in the uninhabited places so that the scrub trees and dead branches are burnt up thus lowering the tendency for a forest fire in that particular area for a while. However, I do not think our philosophy is common around the world but then we fight fires in built up areas as well. 

Church on You-Tube today. Not sure what happened to last week's You-Tube service but I enjoyed the printed service copy that came in my email. COVID-19 changed me from that desire to be there in the building to one of being one on one with the service enjoying from afar which is more my nature anyway. I am reclusive and with Edward no longer here to prod me out the door to one thing or another my true nature has taken hold. As a child we attended every week and I do still miss being in Church but I also enjoy the quiet solitude in which I am now although my children are busy working and I see them but they have their own lives which is as it should be. I do live with my children and they are always there when I go out the door of my room. The one room concept is still upper most in my mind although I live in a house but in my one room I am alone with my thoughts and my prayers. That was also me as a child living in my attic room (my choice) as I could disappear there for hours reading. 

The day is before me and will be a busy one restacking all that research now itemized to make it easier to continue my project of publishing Edward's work. The year has passed quickly for me and I feel refreshed somewhat although still lingering weaknesses from nursing Edward those last couple of years. It is very difficult to be a care giver in your older years. 

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