Thursday, September 1, 2022

September is with us once again

September once again and it has arrived as a bright sunny day. But life is too busy for golfing today but maybe tomorrow, time will tell. Often it is a last minute decision so maybe yes; maybe no. We have a lot to do these days coming to get ready for Fall. It has been a busy summer but we accomplished quite a bit on our to do list. We mailed off a parcel of Edward's mothers things to her oldest grand daughter as that seemed most appropriate. She had lived with her grandmother all of her childhood and the items will have the most meaning for her. 

Everything will fit into the shed so do not have to put up the shed in a box which is a relief. The Tool Library did well by that and Edward would be pleased as he already gave them a number of his tools. Salvation Army has received pretty much everything else that was useable. We made two major trips to the dump and everything is a little lighter. There is still a lot to go to reach my one room idea which is where I probably need to be by 80 although still living in a house perhaps; time will tell on that as well. I know that my mind reaches out for the one room concept. One of my great uncles decided to buy a very very small house when he was in his early 70s (he was a bachelor) and it is that particular house that attracted me. It was very very small but suited him very well and actually became too much by his late 80s but he still lived alone all those years and did manage. A very tiny house would be interesting for a person like me that doesn't really want a lot of possessions. I feel encumbered by them although did enjoy them when we shared them. With Edward no longer able to share them with me they do not have much of a pull on me and he knew that which was why he was steadily downsizing. 

On to the day; there is still much to do especially yard work and I must get to some of that. I also want to continue working on the next Blake Newsletter. One month after another I produce all of this data and put it up on the appropriate project at FT DNA and the readers do get back to me on occasion. I have over 1000 emails in my In Box once again; they build up over the summer when life is just too busy to work on them. I will get to them this winter. 


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