Monday, November 14, 2022

Chromosome 20 and 19 phasing of great grandparents

I did find Chromosome 20 and 19 interesting and some of the phasing of the great grandparents was possible. I moved on to Chromosome 18  and again phasing my paternal line proved to be quite straightforward. There was very little Pincombe on that chromosome although a lot of matches. They are all Pincombe though for the most part (the larger ones simply because we are third cousins and so do not share two sets of great grandparents).  The Buller I have one large match with a known descendant and interestingly we share twin 2x greatgrandparents making the resemblence one step closer due to that.  I am ambivalent about one section though because one of the members may be descendant of the Pincombe side which would mean no Gray on that chromosome. 

Chromosome 17 has a very large number of Pincombes but none of them are known to me. I do need to do trees there to see if I can work that through - they range from 23 and Me, My Heritage, Ancestry (Gedmatch) and FT DNA so a lot of data to work with and one of the trees does appear to go back to Pincombe-Routledge (3x great grandparents in common) which would link all of them back to this line likely. Will work away at that today.

Today though is principally the beginning of the cleaning week - top floor once again. I grew up with the adage that cleanliness is next to Godliness and so the inspiration is there to clean every week as well as I am able. God in our lives is a gift and time after time having God in our lives makes life so much more meaningful.

Along with cleaning I am doing an inventory of the Archival Boxes which Edward created (I want to check with LAC both here in Ottawa and with the Archival Library for the Province of British Columbia to see if either  of them want all of this material - the Kipp family were early settlers (1800) in Oxford/Burford Counties in Ontario and in British Columbia (Chilliwack). He did publish a history of this family (copy at LAC) and the original images of this family are still in these archival boxes. I found a lovely picture of him as a young child in this first Archival Box I have been working on which I have scanned as it seemed to be missed from the large group of pictures that I scanned for him in 2019 and 2020 (he had not scanned his own pictures at that point). He would be about 2 and one half years old in this picture and I think he is living at the home where he grew up after his father passed away (about three months earlier) but it could also be one of the building around the farm.

Making an inventory of the archival boxes has proven to be an enormous task as this first box took me two hours and I am about to break for lunch. I have all the vacuuming done but still need to dust and scrub, and vacuum down the stairs. I believe I will work on these archival boxes every Monday as it is hard work since I am not that familiar with the pictures in his ancestral line but fortunately he has put pictures into the Legacy family file which has been excellent. I need to check to make sure that all of them have been scanned but for the most part I suspect that will be the case as he spent a lot of time scanning his work.

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