Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Love the sunrise

Another beautiful sunrise to greet a new day.  Winter slowly descending as it is minus 5 degrees celsius at 7:00 in the morning. This is a beautiful time in the morning. Today I continue cleaning but yesterday that surprise picture was a nice find. Some fun chatting yesterday evening was also a wonderful happening. 

Will continue in my spare time between cleaning to work on the phasing of my great grandparents and I am now on Chromosome 17 which has a lot of Pincombe matches (at this level they become Pincombe or Gray matches) and the challenge is to separate them out. Sunday I did find that one of the matches has a clear path back to my Routledge 3x great grandparents and so the entire batch must be descendant of this large family. I have corresponded with a few of my cousins in this line but mostly descendants of my great grandmother Grace (Gray) Pincombe's sister's descendants. This particular length of Pincombe is doubled though and I want to discover if the second portion of the length which is shared by four of us is Pincombe or Gray. The first part of the length is shared by three of us and appears to be Routledge and my Robert Gray married Mary Ann Routledge. The second part I will need to work on trees likely. 

The orb of the sun has now risen about the house level and it will be a lovely day but likely cold. I will only work on the Archival Boxes one day a week. I spent almost four hours yesterday just indexing two boxes. If I can complete that task in three weeks of cleaning I will be content with that. The next step is to submit a list to the Archives to see if they would like this material. Edward placed a copy of his published genealogy with Library and Archives Canada in 1978 and perhaps they would like the original images to go with that publication for Kipp researchers to use or if not them perhaps the Archives of British Columbia since a large part of the collection refers to the early Kipp settlers in Chilliwack British Columbia. I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone and get this done. I have discovered it is much easier to while away my hours of thinking on DNA as I age. Working with someone else's data is really very difficult even if we were together for fifty five years; we did not think alike but rather found these common meeting areas where we shared interests and brought our own style of thinking to those common interests. My interests have always centered around my religious life, my interest in science and latterly (since 2003) on my parent's surnames - Blake and Pincombe and that linked with my interest in science as DNA proved to be the methodology that drew me into genealogy. 

Breakfast is next and on to the day. I do so love my breakfast and I must add variety in the fruits but I do enjoy raisins, currants and blueberries. Sometimes I put a chopped up apple in whilst it is cooking and that is also very good. But the chocolate has especially been appreciated and not being a coffee drinker it is my caffeine to start the day although being a hyperactive person I do not actually need caffeine to start my day. 

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