Thursday, November 24, 2022

Cloudy and overcast today

 Cloudy and overcast today at 7:00 a.m. and about minus 4 degrees celsius. Snow is still on the ground but melting yesterday after the sun came out. Backyard is still covered with snow but not much depth. 

Good accomplishment yesterday including another chapter of The Black Death which discussed the emergence of the modern medical system. Interesting tidbits in the chapter as the system developed in Europe. This book tends to concentrate on Europe rather than the British Isles and as I read it I realized how centric my reading has become the last couple of decades. I mostly read about the British Isles but of course all of my ancestors come basically from England although do have some Scot but that is back in the 1400s and possibly some Irish which would be back in the 1700s and earlier and likely some were Scot planters sent during the time of Cromwell. Europe is a huge place with so many countries. Perhaps one of the greatest feats of the twentieth century was bringing together all the countries of Europe into the European Union. It has proven to be strong and stable and a must in this century as we have a war mongering Russia loose on the continent looking to rebuild the Soviet Union or something similar. 

Worked on My Heritage cluster matches as well but did not finish the second person with still three sets of data to go. I want to complete that work and then enter all the new matches into my database before continuing with the phasing of my great grandparents. 

I also accomplished all of my exercise routines and today will go for a walk about in the fresh air which I did not do yesterday as it turned out. 

I decided to watch the Commission reviewing the Use of the Emergency Act. I continue in favour of its use. Ottawa was totally occupied in the downtown core and it needed to end. The people occupying were rude and made absolutely ridiculous comments and statements about our government leaders. It was unacceptable that they broke our bylaws forcing the closure of the Rideau Mall which many people depend on in the downtown core. They all needed to be arrested and as far as I am concerned got off very easy really. They were allowed to go home although many have since been charged but only the ringleaders are probably going to face prison time or at least house arrest. The Attorney General David Lametti did an excellent job and was a first hand observer of the tactics used by the occupiers as he lived in the area and walked to work. The Freedom Convoy forced us to use the Emergency Act because they would not leave and they were insulting and rude to people living in the area - freedom goes both ways. I found the lawyers defending the Freedom Convoy displaying ignorance of our laws in order to make a show on the Television which is inappropriate - we do not need American style politics in this country. Every time I heard someone say during the occupation that their 1st and 2nd amendment rights were being violated I wondered about their allegiance since we do not have such items - they belong to the American Constitution. All in all I would say 100% approval  for the government 0% for the Freedom Convoy. Trying to give them legitimacy in any way is an affront to our democracy. They were plain and simple  - occupiers and on the first day committed enough bylaw infractions to have themselves thrown in jail. Plus they brought children to this occupation which is just totally wrong. 

Netflix has an amazing number of documentaries; I have barely scratched the surface. I like to research a documentary before I watch it to see what is being said about it online but so far I have enjoyed everyone that I have watched. 

I had a lovely chicken stew for my dinner. Since I have high normal to very slightly high cholesterol (familial tendency) I generally do not eat much red meat but chicken is not a real favourite but the chicken stew I have developed over the past couple of months is quite delicious. 

On to the day, breakfast awaits.

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