Friday, November 25, 2022

"Live in the light" Romans 13:13

 This line from Romans 13 is one of the Bible Readings for today. We are told to "live in the light." My copy of the Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible (Editor: Geoffrey Wigoder, 1986) I do not open often enough but today I wanted to have some background on Romans 13. In general this section is considered to be part of Paul's letter to the Romans as it is said that one ancient manuscript ends at 14:23 and another at 15:33 so 13 is safely within what is thought to be Paul's writings. Paul was bold in taking Christianity to the Gentiles and his letters were positive emphasizing love and saying "We are now in Christ, and he is in us; this is how we are saved, through faith." What we do should be done in love and living in the light, to me, emphasizes that as everything that we do in the light can be seen. It was my pilgrimage to Rome in 2001 that will always be a very central part of my life. I was always catholic in my thinking but from that point onward my drift towards Roman Catholicism continued and I remain in that area a lot of Anglicans find themselves in -  committed to the Anglican Church but desiring a return to "one" Church. 

Yesterday was successful working away on the My Heritage cluster matches and I completed a second set of data and now working on my own matches. I do not acquire a lot of new matches (there are 37 new ones in total since I entered the earlier ones into the database) considering the length of the lists but I am having a good look at what is there and examining the shared matches. My Blake family is very large though and I do see members of it being related to my other lines in England in the present day. Interesting really. Perhaps today I can complete my matches and move on the fourth and fifth sets of data. It would be nice to complete this task this week. Then back to assigning the matches to my database and all that goes with that. Then move forward once again phasing chromosomes although these new matches may necessitate looking at the ones I have already worked on as there may be ones of interest assisting with the unknown at the great grandparent level. 

I shall also watch the Commission overlooking the use of the Emergency Act as the Prime Minister will be attending today. I continue to find this picking apart of memos between staff in the PMO to be rather useless as they are a group of humans working under very stressful conditions (and made even more stressful by the presence of an occupation on Parliament Hill) and so mention of particular items should not really have much play in the decisions that were made in Cabinet. They hardly go around working in their office only speaking when they are going to get the statement exactly right - there will be discussions that really do not need to reach the light of day. They are, after all, employees asked to do particular tasks that may involve thinking or talking about usage of particular laws in particular cases. I find the lawyers for the Freedom Convoy to be grandstanding and to what purpose. The people who came to Ottawa to protest ended up being an occupation that had absolutely no regard for the people who live in the area where they set up camp. The most ridiculous part of it all was bringing children to such a happening - children should not be at protests. They have not yet formed opinions that are of their own thinking and basically are being forced to be in a place where there could be danger. 

Another early winter day with cloudy skies - it has been rainy so is probably slippery. I did my groceries yesterday to avoid the rain of today. Today I shall stay inside and work away on my interesting subjects which do tend to center around DNA. 

I have completed reading The Black Death by Robert S Gottfried. It really is an excellent summation of watershed moments due to the Black Death in our past history and how we moved forward past those watershed moments. Interesting especially as I do see COVID as a watershed moment. We are still moving forward from that couple of years of isolation and not everyone in a very pleasant way. Russia continues to behave like the two year old screaming "I want" "I want" and bombing the infrastructure of a free country to try to force people to let them have what they want (which is Ukraine; ultimately that is what they want). Belarus president sits on the sidelines telling the Ukrainians to let the Russians have what they want because their country will be a wasteland otherwise. One wonders how he looks in the mirror plus will the Russian knife slice up his country next; does he think sucking up like a dog will guarantee his place? One wonders what is in store for Belarus next. 

Some people have come out of COVID angry and others keen to make the world work well and certainly that is the European Union who have continued to help Ukraine (as well the United States of America, the British Isles and a lot of the Commonwealth including Canada and other countries). 

Rise up O Russia and cast off those who send your sons to a useless and illegal war without even the equipment to fight, the warm clothing and the good food to eat. Put your nuclear weapons under international control so no leader can ever put your lives in danger as Putin and his enablers are doing right now. 

On to breakfast and the day. My meals are all planned, my usual breakfast, the rest of my chicken stew for lunch and macaroni and cheese (with chopped up peppers and frozen peas to give it colour and content) for dinner. Not really a foodie but I like to organize my meals in my mind at the beginning of the day.

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