Thursday, November 3, 2022

Exercise is the key

Skype updates and reloads itself quite regularly actually and today was one of those days. I think that humans have to do that as well. One must look at how one is living their life and make sure that one is always updating and reloading the skill sets that have kept Homo sapiens at the top of its game for centuries. Exercise is the key. Wake up and do stretching exercises every day. Another freshening exercise for sure is talking to your grandchildren first thing in the morning. I miss that when I do not have that although I am pretty much of a loner so that time passes quickly in my day; children have fresh young minds unencumbered by historical reflections. To them each day is new and meant to be full of joy and fun (and learning although they might not place that first when they are young they do not necessarily realize that their day is absolutely full of learning even on days they do not go to school). To them each new acquaintance with the world and each new happening be it visual or online is just that unplanned and a joy to behold. The greatest sin to my mind is to upset that rhythm of childhood learning in any way that affects their love of life. Child abuse is the greatest crime. God will be fierce to those who abuse the children of this earth.

My day begins with Solitaire and I do love those games. Then on to the DNA work that I also love doing. Yesterday was some accomplishment. I have always found Chromosome 22 to be one that needs me to look at for a while. I only have a couple of matches there that are long enough to satisfy me; the others are less than 15 cM and likely trustworthy because I have a number of them in my Blake-Knight line but longer ones would be nice for sure. I shall continue with Chromosome 22 today as I work towards phasing my great grandparents. One of the matches on this chromosome clearly differentiates between my Gray and Routledge lines but that is back to my 2x great grandparents and so that length belongs to my Gray line at the great grandparent level but it is exciting to see the clear differentiation with one match being from a Routledge line and the other from the Gray line. As I proceed down this path of my own learning I am grateful for the thoughts of my grandparents that came into my life many times in my childhood. I think that children miss that generational learning experience these days.

Cleaning accomplished. The last of the trimming done and the raking outside and winter is in the air in Canada with heavy snows in Alberta yesterday. Soon they will come to Ontario. Back to regular exercise of weight lifting and running in the morning then stationary bike riding and calisthenics in the afternoon and a nice walk in the evening. Pretty soon cross country skiing once there is a snow base. My daughter and I enjoy cross country skiing. 

First exercise for the brain and then on to breakfast.  Just opened up the drapes and beheld the morning sunrise. What an awesome sight and it is just 0 degrees celsius this bright morning. The sky is full of the now empty branches of the trees that surround me but the light of the sun is gradually reaching upward even as one watches. God is in the heavens along with all the saints and all of our ancestors. A beautiful new day awaits the world except for Ukraine which must live with the ignorance of the Russians as they continue their barbaric war against them for no justifiable reason. Their murder of the innocents will be remembered for a very very long time. May God revenge them.

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