Friday, November 4, 2022

Chromosome 22 and phasing great grandparents

Yesterday I continued with the process of phasing my great grandparents and it was an interesting excursion.  Not a lot of progress but an interesting chart. I was able to phase my paternal great grandparents into Blake and Knight for all five of us who had received Blake DNA (actually only four of us had any Blake DNA in the 22nd chromosome). I was not able to find any differentiation between my Buller and Taylor which is my maternal grandmother's parents but will continue looking at that one set of three matches today. They do not match on the Welch side as they are all at 23 and Me and I have a good handle on the Welch matches there. But that leaves the Buller on the paternal side there and the Taylor (and likely Roberts) on the maternal side. A lot of choices for sure when you get back to great grandparents. The Pincombe Gray did break down as I mention earlier on one set of results but not in the other set although will continue to pursue looking at that today. The Rawlings I did not yet get to and it would break down into Rawlings on the maternal and possibly Cotterill on the paternal. Finding a true match with this possible father of my grandmother has become one of my interests purely from a completion point of view. My grandmother felt 100% part of her natural mother's new family and from letters written to her I can understand why. She was totally included in the life of this family. I do suspect that both my grandmother and my father knew the name of her father but it just didn't get passed down. 

Today will be a continuing day on Chromosome 22 but perhaps I will reach Chromosome 21 as well. This day totally belongs to my research and is a treasure to me. That is; the day is shared by research and exercise! The day was foggy to begin but is gradually clearing. It is 5 degrees celsius. I love the crisp November mornings. If I didn't have arthritis this would be a lovely day for a run outside. But I stick to indoors exercise and having a treadmill, stationary bicycle, exercise ball, weights and lots of running room in the basement to let me do my cardio exercises. But I will go cross country skiing in the winter on the nice days all bundled up in snow pants and jacket just as I went kayaking in the summer. I do like the fresh air as well. 

On to the day and breakfast my favourite meal of the day. Last night was macaroni and cheese (homemade) with withered spinach and peas and tomatoes on the side with half a slice of bread. Another one of my favourite meals and I always make enough for two days in a row! It is nice to just cook every other day if I can manage that. Edward loved to cook as he discovered when he retired and he mostly managed the meals in retirement (although I did do a lot of cutting and paring and cooking but didn't have to decide what to have).

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