Saturday, November 26, 2022

Interesting that the theme continues with the Bible Reading today

Isaiah 2:4-5

 The Lord will teach us his Law
from Jerusalem,
   and we will obey him.
He will settle arguments
   between nations.
They will pound their swords
and their spears
   into rakes and shovels;
they will never make war
   or attack one another.
People of Israel, let's live
   by the light of the Lord.

Once again we have the vision of light in the last line where we are asked to "live by the light of the Lord." Prayers that this can happen and that Ukraine will be free.

Yesterday I worked away on the cluster matches but found it so fascinating I barely got past the first cluster which has 14 members. This is an interesting group because I have never put them into the database except for one new match that came in a couple of months ago. The matches are quite large - between 35 and 45 cM for a single length of chromosome. I am the only one of four siblings to match them in most cases although a couple of the members have a second match on a different chromosome which is large enough to be significant. I have assigned the entire cluster to the Buller family (my maternal grandmother's father's line). There is a distinct connection to Denmark in a number of the matches where they are able to trace back but I think this is only accidental and that at some point a Buller descendant of my Henry Christopher Buller and his wife Anne Welch or her twin sister Sarah Welch and her husband Edwin Withers is the ancestor of these individuals may have married an individual of Danish descent although I could yet be surprised. The match is right at the beginning of the 15th chromosome so I have always pretty much ignored these matches because this is an area that is common to many Northern European/British Isles descendants. However I decided to look at the cluster and I ended up adding nine of them to my current matches folder. The next cluster (and I did not work on the other two sets of data in this way but my clusters seem to be larger than the others and perhaps I have looked at my matches more) is from my Blake line likely and has eleven members. One of the members is new and has three lengths with two of them one averaging 23 cM and the other 17 cM with matches for four out of five siblings and appears to be Blake my paternal grandfather's father's line. These 11 individuals are found in the UK, in Australia/New Zealand and in the USA. I will continue working on this set today but did not get as far as I thought I might yesterday - I became absorbed in the first set. I do differ from my siblings on a number of chromosomes where I am the only one with a particular match and it does show up in a few of the clusters where I am pretty much the only match to a group of people. Interesting that I have only 20 clusters and my four siblings have between 28 and 33 clusters each but smaller in size than mine. It gives me pause for thought realizing that I very strongly resemble my Rawlings more so than they do and should watch for that. A thought in my mind at this moment in time!

I also watched the Emergency Measures Act Commission as the Prime Minister was being queried today. He did an excellent job even when one lawyer tried to misconstrue the evidence but a later lawyer corrected that which I was glad to see. Overall the lawyers have been very collegial with a few grandstanding. This is a government commission so I rather felt that grandstanding was inappropriate but then I also thought the occupation inappropriate so perhaps the two go hand in hand. Using the Emergency Measures Act was a well thought out process and it was created for just such a situation. The occupation was in the midst of a populated area and the individuals involved made it very difficult for the police and public especially government workers who had to pass by them to go to work. I await the final result of the commission as they will set the tone on the usage of this act now that it has been utilized. There will be a good set of rules established as a precedent and that is highly necessary given the apparent lack of education in how to conduct a protest on the part of some people. Personally I believe in the right to protest but have never attended a protest - I prefer letter writing to protests. 

On to the day, breakfast awaits. Then peanut butter sandwich for lunch (one of my favourites) and leftover macaroni and cheese for dinner. This is a very prepared day with little input on my part except to eat it. I have totally reverted to my childhood eating style these days (although do cook very nice fish meals when I have fish about once or twice a week). Edward liked his food and lots of variety. The first 30 years of our marriage I did all the cooking and we did have quite a wide variety but it was heavy on meat, vegetables and potatoes although spaghetti was also a favourite and a beef noodle tomato casserole that he had liked in his university days just as a quick dinner. Fish was on the menu at least once a week as well. When I went back to work outside the home (worked on contract at home for about eleven years after our second child was born although I did a lot of voluntary work when I was able; my health was questionable for a while) in 1994 Edward took over the meals as he was home first with the girls and I was about an hour later arriving home and generally made a salad if that was still needed. Our menu definitely changed as he discovered a love of cooking that hadn't been there the first 30 years of our marriage! Edward and the girls cooked up all sorts of interesting and exciting meals.

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