Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Snow beautiful snow

 The morning has been gorgeous - first snow fall of the season. Everything is still coated with white as it is warm still 3 degrees celsius so this is packing snow; the children will be having so much fun making snowmen. 

Suddenly yesterday afternoon my internet stopped working - that is always a fascinating moment when one realizes that the underpinning of one's life has disappeared! Tried the help line but rebooting the system 20 times did not do it. A technician was going to come this morning and he did and it is all fixed. Required a freshening of a length of coil which had failed and it was good to go. Mind you my phone was still connected to the internet and the home monitoring somehow manages to stay connected which is great. I do like Rogers. Probably other services offer a similar package - I have no idea as I never looked. We have had Rogers for over twenty years now and it just keeps getting better. Edward liked all the bells and whistles and I just haven't changed it at all. I only actually watch the news and weather but when family is here they like other things that are there for them. I also pay for Netflix without ads as I do like to binge watch on occasion and yes I did watch the latest season of The Crown. I haven't mentioned it because it is really fictional mostly but it is interesting having lived through the entire life of Queen Elizabeth II to watch the Crown and I have watched it a number of times. It does pick up a lot of the historical happenings in those seventy years and the flashbacks are also good as I can remember when King George VI was still alive. My grandfather used to talk about King George V, King Edward VII, Queen Victoria and yes the short chaotic reign of King Edward VIII. Every bit of my grandfather's being was monarchist and he actually was in London when King George V was crowned visiting one of his sisters (along with his wife and my father who mostly remembered having fish and chips at the Tower of London (he was pretty young almost seven years old) but also recalled all the pomp and ceremony that goes with a coronation). When my oldest daughter and I were in London in 2001 we also ate fish and chips from the vendor at the Tower of London. 

The good news though is I am back online on my computer. I can watch TV whenever I want. I also managed to get in my weight lifting before the technician came and my running after he left. But the cleaning of the basement - usually Wednesday - did not happen so will do that tomorrow. Still to do biking and calisthenics and walking although I was outside clearing off the car since I did not put it in the garage in case the technician needed to work in the garage. 

I am thinking about the Pincombe Newsletter and will probably start it tomorrow. It will be talking about the Protestation Returns in Devon. I also want to look up the Somerset Protestation Returns as there were Pincombes in Somerset in that time frame but not very many. It was primarily a Devon name well into the 1800s although a few did go to London in the 1700s. 

Winter has arrived and all that goes with the season. Too early to ski yet but that will come in its own time. I shall stick to the warmer days or my arthritis becomes unhappy. When the system went down Alexa also went down but happily the clock still seems to operate which is handy. 

On to phasing great grandparents. Yesterday I got a little done but the day ended up being a bit of a disaster computer wise for sure. One does become somewhat dependent on one's computer for sure.

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