Saturday, December 3, 2022

Completed the matches from the clusters

I completed the matches from the clusters in terms of creating the individual files. I spent a little time looking at the chart I had produced and some interesting details emerged from all of that effort. 

Sibling 1

16 shared matches/clusters with 2 of the 16 shared by 3 siblings.  

Sibling 1 shared 3 with sibling 2

Sibling 1 shared 1 with sibling 3 (I am sibling 3)

Sibling 1 shared 7 with sibling 4

Sibling 1 shared 7 with sibling 5

Sibling 2

8 shared matches/clusters with 1 of the 8 shared by 3 siblings

Sibling 2 shared 3 with sibling 1

Sibling 2 shared 0 with sibling 3

Sibling 2 shared 6 with sibling 4

Sibling 2 shared 0 with sibling 5

Sibling 3 (I am sibling 3)

7 shared matches/clusters 

Sibling 3 shared 1 with sibling 1

Sibling 3 shared 0 with sibling 2

Sibling 3 shared 2 with sibling 4

Sibling 3 shared 4 with sibling 5

Sibling 4 

16 shared matches/clusters with 2 of the 16 shared by 3 siblings

Sibling 4 shared 7 with sibling 1

Sibling 4 shared 6 with sibling 2

Sibling 4 shared 2 with sibling 3

Sibling 4 shared 3 with sibling 5

Sibling 5

13 shared matches/clusters with 1 of the 13 shared by 3 siblings

Sibling 5 shared 7 with sibling 1

Sibling 5 shared 0 with sibling 2

Sibling 5 shared 4 with sibling 3

Sibling 5 shared 3 with sibling 4

A bit repetitive but I wanted to look at the pattern. I always noted that I shared the least with my siblings overall; I am the most different from the others. Sibling 2 and sibling 3 are quite different sharing the least amount while Sibling 1 and 4 are the most similar with Sibling 2 and 4 also being somewhat similar. Sibling 1 and 5 are more similar than Sibling 1 and 3 or Sibling 3 and 5. It made for an interesting item to work at once I completed the work. Overall I added 120 new matches although Sibling 1's matches were partially completed earlier. These are matches I never looked at on My Heritage or that I had not included because I could not really contemplate how they fitted into my match sets. 

My conclusion is that the Auto Cluster is an interesting tool but one must still be cautious using the material. There are occasions where the matches are not triangulated and we can not see how two other matches match each other in My Heritage. But it does give one an interesting look into matches and phasing using matches.  

In total there were 163 matches but some were shared as seen above reducing that set of new matches to 120 and it will take me a few days to integrate them into my data set so I can utilize the new material.

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