Sunday, December 4, 2022

Looking forward to the You-Tube Service

I always enjoy my Sunday Service on You-Tube but I am especially looking forward to today's service. The Bible Readings have been some of my favourites this week and I am keen to hear what the priest will have to say in his/her sermon. We are into Advent hymns and they offer so much promise to the world which is fulfilled once again at Christmas. It is a beautiful time of the Church Year when all come together to celebrate Christmas in whatever denomination/faith that follows this calendar. 

Yesterday was busy with completing the AutoClusters on My Heritage and my summation just seemed to flow from my fingers and I have it recorded now; my thoughts for why I was pursuing this DNA tool. It actually produced more than I had considered giving me leads into a number of matches that were all personally mine and not shared with my siblings because I am the only one with that grandparent on that particular chromosome. I always thought it was going to be Buller but through the years I have only slowly discovered the power of DNA in some ways - twin sisters (my 2x great grandmother and her sister) had a dozen children each and the grandchildren are an enormous number and they are all like half siblings to each other between the two families and the descendants are all over the world but many of them share this particular chromosome with me. So that was an interesting gain from all of that work. I still have to work the one hundred and twenty new matches into my databases and then start to look at phasing so a long task ahead of me. 

Our wind storm did come and pass us by but no damage that I have seen thus far. I will check outside again later but I did not hear anything. 

On to the day and breakfast. My rising at 6:00 a.m. seems to be becoming permanent - I always got up at 6:00 a.m. when I went back to work outside the home in the mid 1990s. So perhaps a return to that life style except I am working at home once again and for myself. 


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