Monday, December 5, 2022

Moving forward with matches

Managed to accomplish about one sixth of the matches yesterday into my databases. Once I have completed the process of putting the 120 matches into a working order then I can move on to phasing and generally once a year I do rephase my grandparents just to have a look at how the new matches fit in and to see if I can learn anything new there. Then on to phasing my great grandparents. 

Using the Cluster data from My Heritage did prove to be quite interesting. The overall picture of how five siblings fit together and resemble and are different from each other is most intriguing. Inheritance is by chance and one can see that the by chance does work very well and tends to send into the future a wide spectrum of the four grandparents and then eight great grandparents DNA which is the most important aspect of nature anyway. The idea is to continue building a strong and healthy DNA base of humankind to continue living on this earth. Now we just have to get busy doing a better job of maintaining Mother Earth for future generations. Congratulations to the Prince and Princess of Wales for a task well done in spite of the roadblocks that were thrown their way inadvertently or otherwise. They are good people and a wonderful pair of leaders for their generation and ours.

Cleaning today so not quite as much time to work on DNA and I just realized I forgot to post the Pincombe Newsletter so will get that done today.  Life has been pretty busy these last few days. And it is published on the website and note sent to the members of the project. I have notes to myself on my bulletin board so must add in one that says "Post Newsletter on the First" and that should do it. I check it every day. 

I need to start organizing myself though to work more on Edward's boxes as I want to have his Allen material and his Schultz material (his two grandmother's lines) organized to give to members of those two families. The Rathbun (his maternal grandfather's mother was a Rathbun) material I have given to one of Edward's half first cousins. There are still so many boxes as Edward was curator for so much family material. COVID is mostly responsible for his not working on this project himself and of course his declining health. Plus he decided to start with his many projects like bus trips and talks and get that material to the people for whom these particular projects were planned. That is all done for which I am most thankful. We visited many of his cousins in that last year before COVID so I will gradually write to each of them to see if they would like his part of the collection of their families. 

One never knows how life will flow and so I must be speedy handling all of this as one does grow older and older and become less attentive. Now while I am still very active I must get it done. But I must admit a great deal is accomplished and for that I am most grateful to my daughter who helped me to pack up all of his books and journals for the OGS/BIFHSGO Branch Library. I could never have done that without her help. Downsizing is ever on my mind and this year will continue with that project as well. 

On to the day; breakfast and last night I made a chicken stew to enjoy on these cleaning days. All prepared and just takes a moment to reheat. Along with the fresh whole wheat and nine grain bread it is very tasty on a cold winter day.

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